Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Counting my blessings

Its funny how much life can change in one month.
Its been a month and Ive got a plan for where Ill be living for the next year. Ive made some hard decisions.... very hard decisions... but Ive accepted what must be done. I am taking steps to continue along the path I am creating. Ive had to slow my roll a bit, but it is not something I am going to worry about, there will be time to start running again in due time. But for now, I am building the foundation of many a great thing. Here is a thank you to all that have made this possible for me. To the catalysts, the bridges, the hands, the shoulders and the backup that have seen me through these times and to those that have forced me to grow and to those who will arrive later in my life. This is a future thank you to you all.

Specifically to these:

My Parents -- We dont always get along, but without your assistance I would not be where I am. I am grateful for the financial assistance and the patience you show my impatience.

To PPS -- Ill never work for you as a technician again... but without the many years I spent working there I would not have met the people who would really raise me and teach me to positively grow through all my experiences, the good and the bad.

To Mr. Lillebo -- I still cant quite put my finger on it, but you are a huge inspiration for me to become a teacher, of history no less.

To Sean -- You showed me that there was more to life than what I had seen. You are one of the sole reasons I am as cognitively aware as I have become and because of that I always strive to expand my horizons. Our 6+ hr conversations on "life the universe and everything" along with our late night trips to denies have kept me sane for the last few years.

To Allyson -- Its kind of fucked up, but without the catalyst of the relationship I had with you I would never have reconnected with Sean. But more importantly than that, your friendship, for as short as it lasted was a huge boon to me. I will always think fondly of those days and I just want to say here, I miss you and I miss your friendship.

To Priscilla -- Wow, you were the biggest catalyst for me to go back to school. To be honest, if not for wanting to strengthening our friendship and meeting the other kcon people that go to PSU, I would not have finished filling out the paperwork. Your friendship also meant a lot to me, but like I used to say, I met you too soon. I clearly didnt know how to handle myself and through the experience that was our friendship I discovered a lot of the dos and donts of inter-personal relations. I miss you, I wish you the best of luck with your schooling, your relationships and your life.

Lastly to the members of Mithril -- We all have had our own things going on. Whether it be wives, girlfriends, jobs or whatever has come about I have always found great strength in your friendship, in your words and mostly in your hearts. To me, everyone who wears one of our Mithril patches is a brother and I would be honored if when I die I can be burried with our flag. Because to me that picture we so blatently stole from an anime is more than just a picture, or the collection of its parts, or a symbol for an airsoft team. It is a brotherhood.


Abe said...

"Because to me that picture we so blatently stole from an anime is more than just a picture, or the collection of its parts, or a symbol for an airsoft team."

SheShaw! I think we've worked hard enough, sweat enough, bled enough to call the shield and sword our own.

Duc said...

Hells yeah! Mithril was a picture, but it has transcended to something much much more...and plus we stuck by it enough and even have the patches, we can definitely call it our own.