Monday, December 21, 2009

Almost stepped in it

Below is a conversation I had with a very over protective parent. I saw the conversation going down hill quickly so I kept it respectful... close call though. Im just glad Im the one dealing with this, not everyone would be as reasonable.

David Sherman
hey, ---
is ------ phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx?
3:34---- came back

no its not, Im waiting for a call back from him now

David Sherman

hes at work I think today

David Sherman
can you just give me his phone number so I can call him directly. It will speed things up in the future

Hes only 17, we dont give his number out sorry
IM not really sure why your waiting on one vote, its pretty overwhelming isnt it?

David Sherman
...ok, I can respect that. However I will ask him for his number personally next time I see him.

sure, bypass his Dad, great idea

David Sherman
Thats not my intention... is he allowed to give out his own number? If hes not then I wont ask him
His mother and I prefer that his number is not passed out. That is how its been since he was 15 and got his phone
I'll ask her if she minds

David Sherman
fair enough. As for the one vote thing. Its our policy to make sure that everyone wants the new person on the team. An all or nothing system. It keeps the team involved and in good step with each other on and off the field.
4:04You have connected

alrighty, Ill let you know as soon as he gets ahold of me.

David Sherman
Ok, Ill be waiting for your update.
4:09----- disconnected

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Universe has a sense of humor... and it reads Douglas Adams

You know that monopoly community chest card? The one that says "Bank error in your favor, collect $x"? Well I got one of those in the mail today. Apparently when I closed my account with US Bank there was still some money in it, so they sent it to me in a check... for exactly $42.00

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Post Secret

I keep a pile of clothes next to me when I go to bed, because I cant bare the feeling of sleeping alone anymore.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

White Magic

I grew up watching the sword in the stone, the jungle book, the lion king and so many others....
Ive known for a long time now that the world I live in is not what I wanted it to be when I grew up...

The women are all shrewish princesses or fucked up in the head Alice's lost in their wonderlands.
The men are more predators than princes or knights.

Sometimes its nice to watch those old movies or listen to the music in them and slip back into a long lost childhood where the world was simpler, an innocent world where good was good and evil was evil. This world is too busy. Pass the bong, let me take a hit, play some pogo and let me slip away into the kaleidescope. I just want somewhere else to go.