Saturday, May 9, 2009


wow, what a night...
I didnt expect anything to happen...
I was pleasantly surprised
But as has been the trend... she has a boyfriend...
Everything feels so right...
She is everything I could ask for in a girl
Everything seems so perfect
Its kind of silly, but I feel like we even got Lenard Nimoy's blessing.
What could be more perfect for two nerds?
"Put aside logic, have faith" for this... I would have faith and jump in feet first
I have a really good feeling about this
On a probably unrelated note, tonight was the brightest moon and clearest night sky I have see this year.

sleepy time nao


Abe said...

You know I love you,
and would never purposely say anything to hurt you,
but I gotta ask,
Haven't you learned your lesson?

dave said...

Im actually thankful for your concern abe... we will see where things go, but if they go the way I hope, I want to introduce her to the team right away.

Duc said...

+1 to Abes and You sure do know how to pick 'em ;)
But it seems like this one might work out if the feeling is mutual and she is mature enough. I hope for the best for you, my friend. Good luck!

dave said...

Thanks duc.

Casteriska said...

So... this one totally worked out. She seems pretty cool, I should meet her. And you should meet my boyfriend, he's amaaaaaaazing. We should double date sometime or something, fer srsly.
