Wednesday, May 6, 2009

le sigh

so heres the latest text message

"I want you out of my life."

Well fuck... Ive been kicked out of two girls lives in the last year, thats got to be some kind of record. Id say Im the victim of immature girls but that might just be me trying to pass some of the blame. I definitely put myself into these situations.

...she was the hottest brunette Ive ever been with...
Im not really that shallow, I just tend to laugh things off, this will probably hit me harder in a day or two...


Anonymous said...

You know what I think. And you can't take ALL of the blame, that's ridiculous, she IS being immature. It's not all her fault either though. But sometimes things just don't work, no matter how hard we try to make them.

PS. Le sigh is MINE. I expect royalties.

dave said...

As soon as I start making money on it Ill share the wealth, but only if you hand over wonky to me. Im the rightful owner of that word.

Also... she said she was mad at me because she wanted her boyfriend to be more like me... wtf?! Yeah, Im going to do what everyone has been telling me. Got to let her go and run for the hills.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I can consent to that. Wonky for le sigh.

And yeah, THAT is a valid reason. I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted though.