Monday, February 4, 2013

What weight must be hidden?

Lately Ive been strongly considering putting it all out there. Letting those who doubt me see everything. Every text, every heart, every "love you", every stupid fucking comment. But I made a promise to keep what was said between us a secret. Am I being a good friend by holding onto a promise that she doesnt appear to be honoring? Shouldn't I continue to lie to everyone so that she can continue to have friends and let her reality be one which she can have a positive sense of self just so that she doesnt go back to cutting again? Should I continue to hold it in and let those most zealous white knighting fools believe me to be evil for the sake of a happier old friend and the memories that once she was sane and we were friends? Perhaps I should bare this. Its better for everyone else right? I think I should, the needs of the many outway the needs of the few right? The team over the self? But are lies and illusions a better thing than truth? Perhaps truth doesnt have intrinsic value anymore, so long as people can hate who they want to hate, feel how and what and when they want to feel. Soldier on Dave. Let time erase this. And for now, sacrifice what you must for the greater good, because while you might not be willing to lie to yourself, you must let others lie to themselves and believe what they want to believe. Perhaps like the RAM thing holding the truth in will net something good for us all.

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