Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Truth vs Happiness

I have been thinking more and more about truth vs happiness. Often times the two go against each other. Is the truth worth shattering someones happiness? Is happiness worth turning a blind eye to the truth? Sometimes these things can go hand in hand... but specifically when they dont... which is the higher card?


Duc said...

I would say it depends but truthfully(har har) I would say that truth has a higher priority. Without truth there cannot be SUSTAINED happiness.

If one is happy but the truth is hidden for a long time and they learn the truth, then their world is shattered and everything they knew could be just a lie.

If one learns the truth early on, they can attempt to shape the situation into creating happiness.

*Proceed with caution, the analysis above is based on my virtues and I cannot guarantee its results nor can I be held responsible for such advice blah blah blah legal stuff blah blah blah :D

dave said...

haha, thanks Duc. Ive pretty much come to the same conclusion. Ive always been more about seeking truth.