Monday, December 22, 2008

Whats Dave Doing?

Its been a while since my last post so I figured I would write a little something to catch people up on my comings and goings.

Things have really settled into place here at tam and jenells. It looks like they are going to let me stay here for as long as it works for everyone. They arent even going to require me to give them rent. I do still want to give them money or food or something.

I got a job working as a secret shopper for a certain chain store, I cant say which or it would compromise my identity. The pay is good and I get to more or less decide when I work. Unfortunately due to the snow I havent been able to get out to any stores.

This winter is very different from previous ones. Im used to bad things happening during the holidays, parents having strokes or girlfriend breaking up with me, or relatives getting divorced. And in one sense it still happened with a friend of mine that I directly tried to talk to. She gave me the cold shoulder, and to think she was going to let me front the bill for mewcon without telling me everyone else had already jumped ship, bitch.. oh well. I guess the image I had of her is gone now and I see her as she really is.

But more importantly this winter has been a time of forgiveness and rebuilding broken bonds and bridges. Mark came back to our circle of friends after his crazy wife flipped out on him and took him for all he was worth. Poor guy was blinded by love. I guess its the natural way of things for nice guys like him to get hurt this way. We had a lan party for him. We all gave him a big welcome back hug. Its good to have him back.

I made note to myself a long time ago that I had turned over a new leaf and that it was time I let the rest of the world do the same. I had finally accepted I needed to forgive ricky. So I finally did. We are talking again as brothers. Im glad to have him back in my life too.

Ultimately Ive lost a very important friend to me, but I have gained a brother, a comrade, two new housemates that are really great people, a job, and life seems to be steadying itself. I know this wont last forever, but I am really enjoying things right now. Now Im just missing a girl, but that will find its own course.

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