Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today was a good day

I woke up and spent some time chatting with Sean.
I got sean, tam, jenell and I to go see Inglorious basterds. Great Movie. It was the first Quentin Tarantino movie Ive ever seen in theaters. It very well may have been his masterpiece. POILER ALERT***Quentin is the only director so full of himself that he would kill hitler in a movie.***End SPOILER!!

Afterwards we went to five guys. I wasnt sure about the place at first. You walk in and there is a huge box of peanuts. Its there for something to munch on while you wait in line, people are actually encouraged to throw the shells on the ground. When you order a burger its plain, you have to order any condiments or other bits that you want. For example I got a Bacon Cheeseburger and had them add Grilled Mushrooms, Grilled onions, BBQ sauce, Ketchup, and jalepenios. Their schtick is that it costs nothing extra for all the toppings you want to add. Ultimately the place prooved itself to me when Journey came on over the speakers. Move over Mikes Drive In, Five Guys is the new Burger Master in Town.

After that we went and got Bubble Bubble while Tam narrated Dead by Dawn followed by me and Tam both reliving our favorite experiences from Nephilim II. We spent the evening chatting and laughing and people watching. My favorite thing about Bubble Bubble here in beaverton is all the fine Asian girls it always seems to attract.

Best night Ive had in a while. Tam and Jenell always make for great socially awkward discussion. At one point at Five guys we just made a huge run of sexually charged jokes building off each other, the next one worse than the last.

I dont get to hang with Tam and Jenell enough. Sean gives me hell for it sometimes since they are older than me but I feel more at home with them then most my other friends. Tam and Jennel just dont care what they say, everything is so fun with them. Heh, jennel tried convincing me to hook up with her 16 year old niece because she also just broke up with her boyfriend. Eh... stephanie is cute but Im not even going to consider stepping there until shes several years older and several years more mature.

Next up tonight? Pick items and wait for charlotte to get online to figure out when Im picking her up.

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