Monday, August 31, 2009

Intense Meditation

This morning I had a very intense meditative experience.
-I started off with 50 situps and 25 pushups.
-Did my usual breathing exercises to uttara-kuru
Heres where it got weird...
While I was focusing on taking in energy and moving it through my lungs I got a huge burst of Charlotte. This is strange because she has not been here in a week.
It was her smell but more than that, it was her energy. Her essence.
-From there I went on to my usual falun dafa techniques
-Into my "tai chi" (Ive never taken tai chi, its just what Ive developed myself as my own form of it)
It was here I thought about something... Ive done lots of channeling energy from one part of myself to another, lots of experiments with breathing and feeling and all kinds of different energy manipulation.... but never what Charlotte did for me when I was feeling very sore that one night.
-I absorbed energy with one hand and let it flow through my body out the other hand. It was so much different than my usual style. Maybe this is a more "fire" approach? From there I thought... huh... well why not try something I saw once in a cartoon?
-For those of you who have seen Avatar you should know the lighting redirection technique that Uncle Iroh uses. I tried that only without actual lightning... just regular energy.
-It was hard to do at first because there was energy around me but it was smooth flowing energy, I didnt have someone to "shoot" it at me. So I gathered all the energy I could in a short matter of seconds in one hand, crossed it through my body and fired it out the other hand. Needless to say of course no flashy blue energy blast came out. Its not DBZ Im talking here. But it was like a lake overflowing and bursting through a dam. It hurt... a lot afterwards.

I feel fairly drained but overall I feel good, thats what meditation really does for me. I love the feel of opening up the third eye chakra. Its been a long time since Ive been able to open up the crown or above, and even longer since Ive been able to connect meridian lines and activate several at the same time. But I have a personal goal now. Im really going to get into experimenting with my energy and develop myself before I take ballroom dancing and tai chi next term. Im going to get into shape and really be at the top of my game.

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