Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A quarter life crisis?

I want to ride the slip in slide
I want to read comic books
I want to spend all day at an arcade
I want to eat pizza and drink root beer
I want to TP and egg a house
I want to get in backyard fights with the neighborhood bully
I want my childhood

I want to play D&D
I want to play airsoft
I want to go to late night bistro's
I want to go to concerts
I want to get wasted
I want my summer time

I want to be successful in school
I want to have a good girlfriend
I want to be focused and motivated

I know where Im going. I know what I want to do with my life...
But I cant help feeling like Ive missed so much of it already.
I cant just pick up where Im at and ignore what Ive missed...
I want those experiences...

But right now I am running myself ragged working late hours, constantly fighting to make rent, not sure how my classes are coming along. I need a vacation, I need to have fun. But I cant afford that in money or time. :(

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