Thursday, September 11, 2008

le sigh

Sean finally came home tonight. There is so much we have to talk about. We had made plans to go to the park tonight and discuss so many things. Him with what he discovered at the Buddhist temple and me with my self evening meditations. I was really looking forward to sharing our revelations and ideas. But later in the evening he said he wasnt going to be up that late. He started making up all kinds of excuses. And of course I knew what it meant. Not 10 minutes ago he came downstairs with brennan. Both were totally high out of their minds. Marijuana had claimed my friends once again. I hate that drug with a passion. I can get along fine with them one on one if they are high, but when sean starts skipping out on something I hold so very important so he can get high with brennan it just pisses me off. I hate to say it. But I will be happy when they move out because I wont have to be so regularly disappointed by them choosing drugs over me. Damned marijuana, Id like to kick leo's ass for getting sean into drugs. I have always told myself I want sean to be the godfather of my children... but not if he starts back into this... I want the sober sean back. I want my friend back.

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