Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What happens next?

There comes a time in a babies life that they become aware of necessity. Hunger and sleep. No longer are you swaying in the wind, but you actually take some control of yourself and develop your senses. Sometime after that you begin to operate on a higher level of awareness, a self awareness. At this stage you become aware of not just necessity, not just the 5 senses. But rather you become aware of what you want. You begin to start to see the world as more than what is just directly in front of you. Even after that you become further aware. You begin to see deeper. Your conscious exists somewhere between your eyes and your brain. This is when people really begin to create and identify with who they are.

Most people will operate out of this level of consciousness for the rest of their lives. Its the sort of "grown-up" part. I had heard about operating on a higher level of consciousness. One where you exist on a super planar field and your body merely becomes a tool. Similar to the experience of opening up the seventh chakra. For a friend of mine to experience this he needed to take some special drugs. I however have experienced similar things without any.

Today I experienced somewhere between where he went on his trip and where I normally operate out of. Note: without the use of any "enhancing" drugs. I was at Winco, and I just started watching the looks on every bodies faces. There was not a single happy soul in the building. Everyone had a long face, they looked defeated, downtrodden and utterly destroyed inside. There was a constant dull roar of babies crying echoing off in the distance. I overheard someone say "Put that back, we cant afford that much food". The negative energy was so great and so strong that the moment I took it all in and realized just how unhappy so much of the world was I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to puke. In that moment I became aware of the not just the feelings of everyone in a giant warehouse, but also the existance of so many people.

Normally people sort of live their lives experiencing only what directly effects them. Their jobs, their immediate friends, their family. In that moment I experienced and acknowledged the existence, feelings, and energy of enough souls to fill that winco warehouse. I was overcome with grief. I started questioning myself. Why are these people so sad? where did their lives go wrong to put them in this place? What are their life stories. In that moment I wanted to reach out to each and every person there. I wanted to ask them what happened? I wanted to know if there was anything I could do. How could I help them? What would make these people smile and dispel the negative energy in their lives? I wanted to help them. I wanted to help all of them. But there were too many. I felt completely overloaded. I wanted to save them, all of them.

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