Sunday, September 28, 2008

Of memories and Gelato

Duc and I were talking the other day about how nice guys always finish last. About how one his girlfriend left him for "other experiences" before coming back to him. She just wanted to have a fling with some jerk who treated her badly. Sometimes it really seems that way. Nice guys want to give the world to a woman. But women are more attracted to the wallet and men who just want a fling. I remember seeing a woman on comedy central who was getting on in age. Her bit was based around telling women that she used to go through guys like tissues. Suddenly she was 36 and the box was empty. She went looking for that really nice one she trashed. I dont know why people are so afraid to let someone love them. My sister did the damned thing the other day. A very close friend of hers, Akie or some such philipino name I cant spell, pronounced his love for her... She punched him in the throat and wont talk to him anymore. When I asked her about it she said that kind of thing ruins friendships. And maybe it does, but how was he supposed to know that she would do that? The heart isnt something you can shutup, it needs to release. Ill tell you what ruins friendships... punching people that love you in the throat. I feel for the guy, honestly I think my sister could really use a nice guy.

As duc and I went on talking I started remembering the first time I met priscilla. I remember seeing her walk out the door, I thought to myself, wow, who is this energetic girl? I remember thinking to myself how small she was when she sat next to me in the car. I remember hearing drift away play in a near by car. I turned on the radio and sang along. The look on her face was so precious. She had the cutest smile I had ever seen. I knew right then that I was smitten. That I had found someone special. She was so shy back then.

I remember that day we spent downtown. We shared a delicious berry crepe. I held her hand for the first time then. It was cold out, she said her hands were cold so she let me feel how cold they were. The outside was cold, but I could feel a warmth running through them. We spent much of the day browsing saturday market before running into the anonymous protesters outside the church of Scientology. We got a lot of pictures taken. It was at this point I discovered her obsession with taking pictures of food. She took a picture of a protester in a Guy Fawkes mask making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She has always had an eye for the obscure. She liked to look behind signs and walls for stickers or graffiti. I think thats really cool. That she sees things other people would just pass by without so much as a second look. Not only does she see them, she takes pictures of them. I dont say this very much but that is really rad. There is some kind of passion for the slightly off kilter that drives her. I can really appreciate that. Ive been inspired by her and started taking pictures of food and obscure things, if for no other reason than to try to open my eyes to the levels of reality around myself that I would otherwise miss.

We spent a little time at the anti-war rally, took pictures of a guy in a giant suit that resembled the faceless things in spirited away. I remember going to 23rd thinking that she would like some of the strange things they have in the small shops. To my surprise she was more interested in the signs outside than the stuff inside the shops. Unless of course it involved food. haha, Ive always known girls to love food, but never like this. We went to a japenese restaurant and had this chicken curry. I was a bit surprised at first. I wanted to offer to share but I didnt think she would be up for that, we hadnt known each other for that long after all. She however it turned out wanted to share to so we split the bowl. Perhaps I looked too far into it, but we both liked the same dish and both ate just enough to fill ourselves and had some left over. That showed me she had self control. She didnt gorge herself on unnecessary food.

It was getting late in the evening and I knew she liked sweets so we went to get gelato. I dont remember what kind we got, I was too busy being in shock. Here I was sitting at a chic cafe sharing a gelato with this girl I was falling for more and more every time she stopped to take a picture. I recall taking a picture with her up near this piece of art made of recycled metals. I dont have the photos myself but I remember seeing them. She kind of leaned into me when we took the picture, just a little bit. I didnt want to seem creepy so I kept myself composed. On the inside I was smiling so much. I felt like I had found someone I had connected with so strongly purely by chance.

It all seems like so long ago. Back when we shared music, back when we stayed up and watched star wars on spike tv. Back when she showed me threadless and I started buy T-shirts online. It all seems like so long ago. I know that the world never stops turning, but at least for a short while it slowed down...

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