Monday, December 21, 2009
Almost stepped in it
David Sherman
hey, ---
is ------ phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx?
3:34---- came back
no its not, Im waiting for a call back from him now
David Sherman
hes at work I think today
David Sherman
can you just give me his phone number so I can call him directly. It will speed things up in the future
Hes only 17, we dont give his number out sorry
IM not really sure why your waiting on one vote, its pretty overwhelming isnt it?
David Sherman
...ok, I can respect that. However I will ask him for his number personally next time I see him.
sure, bypass his Dad, great idea
David Sherman
Thats not my intention... is he allowed to give out his own number? If hes not then I wont ask him
His mother and I prefer that his number is not passed out. That is how its been since he was 15 and got his phone
I'll ask her if she minds
David Sherman
fair enough. As for the one vote thing. Its our policy to make sure that everyone wants the new person on the team. An all or nothing system. It keeps the team involved and in good step with each other on and off the field.
4:04You have connected
alrighty, Ill let you know as soon as he gets ahold of me.
David Sherman
Ok, Ill be waiting for your update.
4:09----- disconnected
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Universe has a sense of humor... and it reads Douglas Adams
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My Post Secret
Thursday, December 3, 2009
White Magic
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Uh Oh
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Good Karma
Monday, November 23, 2009
Good Times
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A quarter life crisis?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A strange day
Friday, November 13, 2009
A small step back
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Theres a few people in some of my classes that I really want to get to know better, but because I only have 10 minutes between classes I dont get time to really hang out after class. I want to get to know blond girl, the two brunette girls, and long haired guy better. They all seem like really cool people. Seems like I wont really get the chance this term. If Im lucky Ill get more face time with them during classes.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Awesome quote
"Human beings do not live forever, Reuven. We live less than the time it takes to blink an eye, if we measure our lives against eternity. So it may be asked what value is there to a human life. There is so much pain in the world. What does it mean to have to suffer so much if our lives are nothing more than the blink of an eye?
I learned a long time ago, Reuven, that a blink of an eye in itself is nothing. But the eye that blinks, that is something. A span of life is nothing. But the man who lives that span, he is something. He can fill that tiny span with meaning, so its quality is immeasurable though its quantity may be insignificant. Do you understand what I am saying? A man must fill his life with meaning, meaning is not automatically given to life.
It is hard work to fill one's life with meaning. That I do not think you understand yet. A life filled with meaning is worthy of rest. I want to be worthy of rest when I am no longer here."
-Chaim Potok
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Strange day
Class was a bit strange too, the entire time I was getting googly eyes from the cute blond girl that sits next to me and the brunette kept dodging glances. Last night at Godfathers the girl behind the counter couldnt keep her eyes off me. Its wierd, but I feel really good recently. Apparently Im a sexy beast.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Check out what I wrote up in my Adventure Theater blog.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sleeping in Jeans is always a bad idea
This morning I woke up to alex poking me once in the leg, saying "hey dave, wake up" then scurring off upstairs... I thought to myself, "thats the strangest wake up call Ive ever had" people dont normally poke you once then run off. Im used to a pillow in the face and hey! Wake Up! Several times. As I was pondering this I sat up and looked down... I had morning wood... god damnit.
Friday, October 9, 2009
My first memory of her
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fun night
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dream 10-7-09
We were all in a house I dont recognize but it was my house in the dream. She was talking to a bunch of my friends. She and I got into an argument. I opened the front door, grabbed her by her coat and threw her out with one hand. It was raining out. She started crying and ran to a broken down looking blue van thing. I got my coat and ran after her and told her to come back home and but she just cried and ran.
Im not really sure what to make of this, I feel like its more about her than me. Like I represent something she is running away from.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Hints from Venus
In my dream that I posted from Friday/Saturday night I was running around the afor mentioned reocurring location with a large group of girls. I was the only guy among them. We were all laughing and having fun. At the end of the dream I was walking next to a girl with dark hair, she wasnt part of the pack of girls before. She looked familiar but I couldnt really place her. We walked away, just the two of us. She took my hand with one of her fingers and we were in love.
Now I usually have prophetic dreams about people that will have a profound impact on my life. The universe sends me hints this way. Ive had dreams with zaamen, tam, ally, priscilla, shoshana and charlotte all before I met them.
Now I wonder who this girl is going to be. I guess she and I will come together after running around with a bunch of other girls. I hate to think of myself that way, but Im not surprised if thats how things end up.
Now for the probably pointless/hopeful drawing of strange conclusions. The very next day Charlotte dyed her hair black. At least for right now, I really hope that she was the girl in the dream and that she is familiar but I couldnt place her because she will have discovered who she is and changed into the different person she wants to be by then. Who knows. Maybe its someone much better suited for me. I guess Ill have to wait and see.
Epic day is Epic
I got up and went to salem. Did my job and got home. I was going to go to sams and rework my warlock. But apparently no one else was answering their phone so alex had to cancel it.
That was a bummer. When I came home sean and I played R6V2. Made some strong headway, I think we will beat it soon. After that we got some taco bell, watched the pilot to Curb your enthusiasm (hilarious). At that point I had to decide whether I was going to go back to salem tonight or wait till tomorrow. I chose to wait till tomorrow, but in the mean time I still had to drive my paperwork to HQ. On the way I felt really strange. I must have had a large adrenaline dump. I dont know. But the moment I started driving I felt like I wanted to do something wild and fun. I wanted to go sky diving, bunji jumping. Ive been so surrounded by my thoughts and by serious conversation that I just had an immense urge to go have fun. I wanted to socialize, I wanted to meet people. On the way back I was just driving around for fun. I sped up and slowed down to look at people in their cars. At one point a car of about 4 girls all started cheering and whistling at me, which was really wierd because I wasnt doing anything at all. I think maybe they thought I was someone else. Either way it felt good to just get out of the apartment and enjoy myself. I really want to get a bunch of people together and just enjoy ourselves. Hot tubbing is definitely in order.
Once I got back home sean and I watched the first episode of this season's ultimate fighter. It was much better than I expected and Im looking forward to more episodes. After that I checked my email while sean was setting up Western Django Sukiyaki (a fucking awesome movie) I noticed Charlotte was on and I was going to start chatting with her but the movie started. I hoped she'd be on when I got back. Unfortunately she wasnt. Oh well. Another time I suppose.
Now its late and Im trying to get some sleep.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
late night
Its late and Ive got a busy day tomorrow. Ive got to be up early. I should go to bed. After watching the movie I just feel really lonely. I miss Charlotte, it'll be two weeks since I saw her last this Monday. We used to not go more than four days without seeing each other. I really miss her little snort when she laughed hard. I just want school to start back up so I can really dive into something. It kind of figures that now that my work schedule has died down to very little I dont have anyone to spend the time with. Oh well, here's to trying to get some sleep tonight.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Its not me
But god damn... I need a good fuck. Just good, no strings attached, wild sex.
I almost feel like checking out one of those adult friend finder sites. I know its a really bad idea, and thats just not me... but Im going to ravage the next piece of ass I get.
Im just really sexually frustrated right now
A place for my dreams
I had a dream last night. It was a strange dream. Its not one of my reoccuring dreams yet it was in a reocuring place. In the country somewhere, with a barn and house with a lot of strange passageways winding around, up and down a room divided by sheets. Its kind of strange but not scary at all, kind of like a fun house.
In other news, Venus has been viewable almost every night for several days, I never used to stop and notice how long she stayed around in September.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wake me up when september ends
Its been mostly trying to deal with Charlotte breaking up with me
Trying to deal with Tony's death
Almost dieing myself
Dealing with Smokey dieing.
Im starting to wonder what is going to happen next week.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Heres to you Tony Touch
This one goes out to you
And to every man who just wants to be free
For every man with the same spirit of tonys
For unguarded smiles
For flying off into the distance
For always knowing WHO YOU ARE
For calling the world on its bullshit
For telling others you dont give a fuck
For living in a world undeserving of your honesty
For living in a world undeserving of your heart
For living in a world undeserving of your soul
Heres to the freedom of the open road
Heres to the freedom of the open sky
Heres to you Tony
My Friend
This one goes out to you
May I find you again in another life
Here Here
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This Bed
The ice cream didnt help, I cant sleep. I want to get in my car and drive away. Just disappear for a while.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I love my job
I love being on the job late at night, listening to music and driving on an open road.
My car is my freedom, I can at a moments notice drive across town to see my sister and brother in law who are suddenly at my parents house.
Sometimes when Im driving I feel like my car could sprout wings and fly. Its my happy thoughts, my pixie dust, it takes me away to never never land.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Midnight Show
I gonna take you a midnight show tonight
If you can keep a secret
I got a blanket in the back seat on my mind
And a little place that sits beneath the sky
She turned her face to speak
But no-one heard her cry
Drive faster, boy
Drive faster, boy
I know there's a hope
There's too many people trying to help me cope
You got a real short skirt
I wanna look up, look up, look up, yeah yeah
We were just in time
Let me take a little more off your mind
There's something in my head
Somewhere in the back said
We were just a good thing
We were such a good thing
Make it go away without a word
But promise me you'll stay
And fix these things I've hurt
Oh make it go away!
Drive faster, boy
The crashing tide can hide a guilty girl
With jealous hearts that start with gloss and curls
I took my baby's breath beneath the chandelier
Of stars and atmosphere
And watched her disappear
Into the midnight show
faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster
no no no no no no no no no no no no
If you keep a secret
Well baby I can keep
Baby, keep a secret
(She said she loved me)
If you keep a secret,
I can keep a secret
(She said she loved me)
If you can keep a secret
Well baby I can keep,
Baby keep a secret
Why is it that two people who love each other arent together? I love her, she loves me. Why isnt that enough?
Shes going on a date with Marc on what would have been our 4 month anniversary, only two weeks after we broke up. :(
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
One of those days
Monday, September 7, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Best Night In a Long Time!
As we left the con space, swag bags in tow, we decided to call up Jenell and her friend Steve to go to dinner. As we left Tams house to find dinner Tam and I were horsing around a bit, just a little slowmo kungfu. He punched me pretty solidly on the right side of my chest. I didnt budge. It didnt hurt at all. In fact my chest blew out his shoulder. He was nursing it the rest of the night, thats what happens when you punch someone built like a Tank! XD
Originally we were going to go to Toshi's but they were full and we didnt want to wait. Thus we decided to head down to the Macaroni Grill. Dinner was very eventful, the kind of dinner conversation I cant get from anyone but tam and jenell's gang. I really miss hanging with them. Our waiter was a bit odd. He really seemed to like me, what with standing really close to me and puting his hand on my neck down the back of my shirt. Id say it was creepy but he was a really charismatic, handsome black guy. Too bad for him Im not into guys.
After dinner we dropped off steve. Tam, Jenell and I stayed around watching TV for a bit. I got bored and tired so I asked Tam to take me home. On the way home he said hes never taken german town road in his new Lancer. I said... "Lets do it". We spent the next hour driving Germantown Rd and Skyline Rd in the dark, in the rain, with the windows down.... between 60 and 85 mph... around 25 to 35 recommended mph turns. Holy shit his Lancer can take turns. It was such an adrenaline rush. I needed that so bad, Ive missed out on airsoft for a good two months and this was just what the doctored prescribed. It was thrilling, scary, and so much fun. There were several times when if not for my seat belt and "Oh Shit Handle" I would have been tossed out the passenger window. Initial D stuff. We are definitely going to have to find some less populated roads and do it again sometime.
With our eyes still watering and hand still numb from the oh shit handle we headed home. Talked to sean a bit and now its the waiting game. At some point Charlottes going to give me a call to come pick her up. Then more waiting, early wake up, more waiting, and con time.
Tam and I have decided we are going to do everything in our power to make this con the most enjoyable con experience for us ever.
Here comes the weekend....
A little green
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My Second Mistake
Its funny... people like me wait to get into relationships. We dont go from person to person willy nilly. We spend most of our time single. And when we do finally find someone we connect with, someone we can really love and let that really take hold of us. We make mistakes. We make mistakes that a more experienced person wouldnt make. We make mistakes that when we go back and think about it, we say "Really? I did that? What the fuck was I thinking?!". We make mistakes on the relationships that really count, the ones that we really want to see go far, and we pay for that inexperience, for our self-righteousness. We burn ourselves.
I believe I now know largely what caused her love to wain. And its all my fault.
Ive made my mistake, I wont ever make it again. I played myself the fool again.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Intense Meditation
-I started off with 50 situps and 25 pushups.
-Did my usual breathing exercises to uttara-kuru
Heres where it got weird...
While I was focusing on taking in energy and moving it through my lungs I got a huge burst of Charlotte. This is strange because she has not been here in a week.
It was her smell but more than that, it was her energy. Her essence.
-From there I went on to my usual falun dafa techniques
-Into my "tai chi" (Ive never taken tai chi, its just what Ive developed myself as my own form of it)
It was here I thought about something... Ive done lots of channeling energy from one part of myself to another, lots of experiments with breathing and feeling and all kinds of different energy manipulation.... but never what Charlotte did for me when I was feeling very sore that one night.
-I absorbed energy with one hand and let it flow through my body out the other hand. It was so much different than my usual style. Maybe this is a more "fire" approach? From there I thought... huh... well why not try something I saw once in a cartoon?
-For those of you who have seen Avatar you should know the lighting redirection technique that Uncle Iroh uses. I tried that only without actual lightning... just regular energy.
-It was hard to do at first because there was energy around me but it was smooth flowing energy, I didnt have someone to "shoot" it at me. So I gathered all the energy I could in a short matter of seconds in one hand, crossed it through my body and fired it out the other hand. Needless to say of course no flashy blue energy blast came out. Its not DBZ Im talking here. But it was like a lake overflowing and bursting through a dam. It hurt... a lot afterwards.
I feel fairly drained but overall I feel good, thats what meditation really does for me. I love the feel of opening up the third eye chakra. Its been a long time since Ive been able to open up the crown or above, and even longer since Ive been able to connect meridian lines and activate several at the same time. But I have a personal goal now. Im really going to get into experimenting with my energy and develop myself before I take ballroom dancing and tai chi next term. Im going to get into shape and really be at the top of my game.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Today was a good day
I got sean, tam, jenell and I to go see Inglorious basterds. Great Movie. It was the first Quentin Tarantino movie Ive ever seen in theaters. It very well may have been his masterpiece. POILER ALERT***Quentin is the only director so full of himself that he would kill hitler in a movie.***End SPOILER!!
Afterwards we went to five guys. I wasnt sure about the place at first. You walk in and there is a huge box of peanuts. Its there for something to munch on while you wait in line, people are actually encouraged to throw the shells on the ground. When you order a burger its plain, you have to order any condiments or other bits that you want. For example I got a Bacon Cheeseburger and had them add Grilled Mushrooms, Grilled onions, BBQ sauce, Ketchup, and jalepenios. Their schtick is that it costs nothing extra for all the toppings you want to add. Ultimately the place prooved itself to me when Journey came on over the speakers. Move over Mikes Drive In, Five Guys is the new Burger Master in Town.
After that we went and got Bubble Bubble while Tam narrated Dead by Dawn followed by me and Tam both reliving our favorite experiences from Nephilim II. We spent the evening chatting and laughing and people watching. My favorite thing about Bubble Bubble here in beaverton is all the fine Asian girls it always seems to attract.
Best night Ive had in a while. Tam and Jenell always make for great socially awkward discussion. At one point at Five guys we just made a huge run of sexually charged jokes building off each other, the next one worse than the last.
I dont get to hang with Tam and Jenell enough. Sean gives me hell for it sometimes since they are older than me but I feel more at home with them then most my other friends. Tam and Jennel just dont care what they say, everything is so fun with them. Heh, jennel tried convincing me to hook up with her 16 year old niece because she also just broke up with her boyfriend. Eh... stephanie is cute but Im not even going to consider stepping there until shes several years older and several years more mature.
Next up tonight? Pick items and wait for charlotte to get online to figure out when Im picking her up.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
A letter to my parents
So I just thought I should give you guys the heads up.
Charlotte and I broke up. She needs to go and find herself
something she "can only do if she's single". I still love her.
To answer your question mom, yes I did plan on marrying her.
I guess I thought that was evident by her being the first girl friend
I ever introduced to my family.
There's a small chance that she and I could end up back together.
I cant really stop my world for that small chance. I dont really want
to talk about it right now so please respect my request and dont
ask me tons of questions about it right now. Wait until my heart
has healed.
She and I are going to still be friends I suppose. She seems to want
that more than I do but if that doesnt work out either then thats the way
its going to be.
There will most likely be other girls in my future and when I bring one
home to introduce you to know that I love her and there will be no reason
to compare her to Charlotte or Allyson.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I want my girl back. < /3
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
People who hate people
S: In 50 years people will look back on all this hatred towards gay people the same way they look at the racism of the 60s.
Me: Yeah probably.
S: Do you think people will ever run out of reasons to hate each other?
Me: No, people will make up new reasons to hate each other. By 2030 people will hate other people for wearing black on Tuesdays.
S: If that becomes a reality Ill kill myself.
We had a good laugh. Sometimes that's the best thing to do when analyzing humanity.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dream 8-25-09
In my dream a woman appears and toss a paper plane at me. I catch it but its not a paper plane. Its a paper bird (origami) with a long wavy tail. The bird looks like a phoenix. The woman says "everything's going to be alright" Then I woke up.
I dont know if a dream like this is a prophetic message from the universe or my subconscious projecting what it wants.
Friday, August 7, 2009
A thorn by any other name
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Its never enough
I have her all Monday but we have D&D at 6:30 and she wont wake up before noon. If we dont get up and involve Sean in something then we are ignoring him and being bad friends.
Then I wake up early to drop her off to go see her friends.
We only get to have time alone together for about 4 hours A WEEK and we spend that time watching Buffy. Its not enough. God... its just never enough. :(
Saturday, August 1, 2009
My mind has gone to bad places
Friday, July 10, 2009
To cali and back
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My love
I love the way she leans on me. I love that I can stare into her eyes and see her soul reaching out to me and I feel my own reaching to hers. Its like we love on another level. I love embracing her and feeling that loving energy between our lips. We are so perfect together. There are no words in the human tongue that can describe what she means to me. I cant believe that I am so lucky to find her in this life.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I didnt expect anything to happen...
I was pleasantly surprised
But as has been the trend... she has a boyfriend...
Everything feels so right...
She is everything I could ask for in a girl
Everything seems so perfect
Its kind of silly, but I feel like we even got Lenard Nimoy's blessing.
What could be more perfect for two nerds?
"Put aside logic, have faith" for this... I would have faith and jump in feet first
I have a really good feeling about this
On a probably unrelated note, tonight was the brightest moon and clearest night sky I have see this year.
sleepy time nao
Thursday, May 7, 2009
well fuck me, right?
you know... if cops are dicks... and james is so much better than you in so many ways... what does that make you?
I hate you so much right now and I don't even feel bad anymore...
My Response...
James is so much better than me? Then why doesnt he hug you the way I do? Why doesnt he have the passion I do? Why doesnt he cuddle with you with a fire in his heart.
You think hes better than me? Thats a laugh. He aspires to be a cop, an enforcer that destroys the lives of the poor and looks the other way when the rich actually do something corrupt. Maybe thats not what the cops are like in israel but thats what they are here. Odds are he will only make what? 30-40k a year as a traffic cop. What am I to that? Im going to be a teacher who helps kids in high school so that they dont end up angry and alone. Im going to be a supporting arm, someone who lifts people up. My profession may not have the glamor of "COP" that you seem to be so infatuated with but at least I am going to be out there helping people. And when I end up as a university professor Ill be making 80-100k.
Want to keep comparing?
And you hate me why? What was your reason? Because you wish james was more like me. Thats what you said.
Really? You hate me? HATE? Are you that bitter? Can you really hate someone that loves you the way I do? Can you really let yourself be so overcome with hatred for someone that loves you that you dont feel bad about the way you treat me? You have no right, nor reason to hate me. You've completely betrayed yourself if this is really how you feel. When you calm down let me know. I still care about you, Im still your friend. Next time you are so pissed, talk to me, dont shit on a message and shove it in my face.
I drove up to the store, noticed the associate was outside with two friends talking. On my way in I noticed the friends kept their faces away from me as I passed them.
I went through all the motions till I came to the associate. I realized what was wrong with her friends and her. They were all meth heads. This particular girl is what was really sad.
She "was" beautiful. I could tell by looking at her face, her skin and her eyes. But now her teeth had rotted, her fingers and hands had swollen and were discolored, she was malnourished too.
I hate to see people fall into something so terrible, sometimes all you can do is shake your head, say its a shame and wonder what happened that took her to this place in life.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
le sigh
"I want you out of my life."
Well fuck... Ive been kicked out of two girls lives in the last year, thats got to be some kind of record. Id say Im the victim of immature girls but that might just be me trying to pass some of the blame. I definitely put myself into these situations.
...she was the hottest brunette Ive ever been with...
Im not really that shallow, I just tend to laugh things off, this will probably hit me harder in a day or two...
Friday, April 17, 2009
For the first time in my life I am actually questioning whether its possible for someone to love me.
I feel so torn inside. Why when I am given the choice of the girl or being an honorable man do I always take the honorable side? Fuck me.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ive got it bad
My arms yearn to hold her again...
I want to passionately embrace her lips with mine, but these are just my feelings. My head tells me no. Its wrong, I know it is. My conscience is struggling with how I feel and what I know to be true... This feeling will pass, its just a bitch in the mean time.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Origin - Spirits of the Past
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Rank | Rating | Title | Votes |
1. | 9.1 | The Shawshank Redemption (1994) | 413,225 |
2. | 9.1 | The Godfather (1972) | 344,826 |
3. | 9.0 | The Godfather: Part II (1974) | 199,626 |
4. | 8.9 | Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il (1966) | 121,075 |
5. | 8.9 | Pulp Fiction (1994) | 339,956 |
6. | 8.9 | The Dark Knight (2008) | 354,743 |
7. | 8.8 | Schindler's List (1993) | 225,403 |
8. | 8.8 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) | 172,910 |
9. | 8.8 | 12 Angry Men (1957) | 87,397 |
10. | 8.8 | Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) | 233,671 |
11. | 8.8 | Casablanca (1942) | 142,299 |
12. | 8.8 | Star Wars (1977) | 275,509 |
13. | 8.8 | Shichinin no samurai (1954) | 80,834 |
14. | 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) | 299,928 |
15. | 8.7 | Goodfellas (1990) | 186,737 |
16. | 8.7 | Rear Window (1954) | 97,556 |
17. | 8.7 | Cidade de Deus (2002) | 128,638 |
18. | 8.7 | Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) | 208,432 |
19. | 8.7 | C'era una volta il West (1968) | 57,575 |
20. | 8.7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) | 328,010 |
21. | 8.7 | Fight Club (1999) | 308,044 |
22. | 8.7 | The Usual Suspects (1995) | 225,371 |
23. | 8.7 | Psycho (1960) | 118,184 |
24. | 8.6 | The Silence of the Lambs (1991) | 202,835 |
25. | 8.6 | Sunset Blvd. (1950) | 43,398 |
26. | 8.6 | Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) | 133,452 |
27. | 8.6 | Memento (2000) | 221,819 |
28. | 8.6 | North by Northwest (1959) | 77,607 |
29. | 8.6 | The Matrix (1999) | 316,241 |
30. | 8.6 | Citizen Kane (1941) | 119,427 |
31. | 8.6 | It's a Wonderful Life (1946) | 85,873 |
32. | 8.6 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) | 273,856 |
33. | 8.6 | Se7en (1995) | 225,390 |
34. | 8.6 | Léon (1994) | 158,165 |
35. | 8.5 | Apocalypse Now (1979) | 145,358 |
36. | 8.5 | American Beauty (1999) | 246,178 |
37. | 8.5 | Taxi Driver (1976) | 125,667 |
38. | 8.5 | Lawrence of Arabia (1962) | 67,406 |
39. | 8.5 | American History X (1998) | 179,643 |
40. | 8.5 | WALL·E (2008) | 123,439 |
41. | 8.5 | Vertigo (1958) | 75,695 |
42. | 8.5 | Slumdog Millionaire (2008) | 93,860 |
43. | 8.5 | Paths of Glory (1957) | 36,109 |
44. | 8.5 | Forrest Gump (1994) | 240,860 |
45. | 8.5 | Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) | 147,523 |
46. | 8.5 | M (1931) | 32,231 |
47. | 8.5 | Double Indemnity (1944) | 29,591 |
48. | 8.5 | To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) | 69,389 |
49. | 8.5 | Alien (1979) | 147,688 |
50. | 8.5 | The Departed (2006) | 207,406 |
51. | 8.5 | A Clockwork Orange (1971) | 159,393 |
52. | 8.5 | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) | 26,860 |
53. | 8.5 | Das Leben der Anderen (2006) | 52,986 |
54. | 8.5 | The Third Man (1949) | 42,221 |
55. | 8.5 | The Shining (1980) | 142,858 |
56. | 8.4 | The Pianist (2002) | 103,513 |
57. | 8.4 | Chinatown (1974) | 64,242 |
58. | 8.4 | Saving Private Ryan (1998) | 225,016 |
59. | 8.4 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) | 177,080 |
60. | 8.4 | Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) | 78,944 |
61. | 8.4 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) | 187,729 |
62. | 8.4 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) | 133,029 |
63. | 8.4 | Requiem for a Dream (2000) | 147,447 |
64. | 8.4 | L.A. Confidential (1997) | 141,135 |
65. | 8.4 | Aliens (1986) | 140,214 |
66. | 8.4 | Das Boot (1981) | 59,604 |
67. | 8.4 | The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) | 49,290 |
68. | 8.4 | City Lights (1931) | 20,973 |
69. | 8.4 | Laberinto del fauno, El (2006) | 119,519 |
70. | 8.4 | Reservoir Dogs (1992) | 173,953 |
71. | 8.4 | The Wrestler (2008) | 40,778 |
72. | 8.4 | Rashômon (1950) | 31,391 |
73. | 8.4 | Raging Bull (1980) | 73,571 |
74. | 8.4 | The Maltese Falcon (1941) | 43,157 |
75. | 8.4 | All About Eve (1950) | 29,241 |
76. | 8.4 | Modern Times (1936) | 28,145 |
77. | 8.3 | Singin' in the Rain (1952) | 45,924 |
78. | 8.3 | Der Untergang (2004) | 63,195 |
79. | 8.3 | Metropolis (1927) | 31,628 |
80. | 8.3 | Gran Torino (2008) | 45,740 |
81. | 8.3 | Rebecca (1940) | 28,817 |
82. | 8.3 | Some Like It Hot (1959) | 55,651 |
83. | 8.3 | The Prestige (2006) | 153,936 |
84. | 8.3 | Amadeus (1984) | 80,558 |
85. | 8.3 | The Elephant Man (1980) | 46,430 |
86. | 8.3 | Vita è bella, La (1997) | 87,675 |
87. | 8.3 | 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) | 134,070 |
88. | 8.3 | Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) | 36,207 |
89. | 8.3 | The Apartment (1960) | 29,037 |
90. | 8.3 | The Great Escape (1963) | 50,835 |
91. | 8.3 | Sin City (2005) | 208,477 |
92. | 8.3 | The Great Dictator (1940) | 29,136 |
93. | 8.3 | Once Upon a Time in America (1984) | 57,756 |
94. | 8.3 | Full Metal Jacket (1987) | 122,931 |
95. | 8.3 | The Sting (1973) | 54,511 |
96. | 8.3 | Touch of Evil (1958) | 26,778 |
97. | 8.3 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) | 27,537 |
98. | 8.3 | Ladri di biciclette (1948) | 20,915 |
99. | 8.3 | On the Waterfront (1954) | 33,402 |
100. | 8.3 | Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) | 29,144 |
101. | 8.3 | Back to the Future (1985) | 163,769 |
102. | 8.3 | Hotel Rwanda (2004) | 73,227 |
103. | 8.3 | No Country for Old Men (2007) | 154,241 |
104. | 8.3 | Braveheart (1995) | 202,259 |
105. | 8.3 | Batman Begins (2005) | 223,294 |
106. | 8.3 | Jaws (1975) | 114,774 |
107. | 8.3 | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) | 145,952 |
108. | 8.3 | Strangers on a Train (1951) | 27,405 |
109. | 8.3 | Blade Runner (1982) | 155,982 |
110. | 8.3 | Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) | 179,423 |
111. | 8.3 | Unforgiven (1992) | 78,239 |
112. | 8.2 | The Manchurian Candidate (1962) | 29,728 |
113. | 8.2 | The Green Mile (1999) | 158,192 |
114. | 8.2 | Notorious (1946) | 25,573 |
115. | 8.2 | High Noon (1952) | 28,237 |
116. | 8.2 | The Big Sleep (1946) | 23,893 |
117. | 8.2 | Oldboy (2003) | 72,335 |
118. | 8.2 | Gladiator (2000) | 227,822 |
119. | 8.2 | There Will Be Blood (2007) | 99,902 |
120. | 8.2 | Fargo (1996) | 139,152 |
121. | 8.2 | Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) | 32,808 |
122. | 8.2 | Cool Hand Luke (1967) | 36,832 |
123. | 8.2 | The Wizard of Oz (1939) | 86,027 |
124. | 8.2 | Die Hard (1988) | 149,231 |
125. | 8.2 | Mononoke-hime (1997) | 52,703 |
126. | 8.2 | Donnie Darko (2001) | 170,695 |
127. | 8.2 | The General (1927) | 16,040 |
128. | 8.2 | Yojimbo (1961) | 23,692 |
129. | 8.2 | Ran (1985) | 28,538 |
130. | 8.2 | Smultronstället (1957) | 16,610 |
131. | 8.2 | Witness for the Prosecution (1957) | 13,998 |
132. | 8.2 | It Happened One Night (1934) | 19,918 |
133. | 8.2 | Annie Hall (1977) | 53,276 |
134. | 8.2 | Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) | 10,239 |
135. | 8.2 | Heat (1995) | 117,920 |
136. | 8.2 | Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) | 188,912 |
137. | 8.2 | Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) | 10,858 |
138. | 8.2 | The Deer Hunter (1978) | 72,032 |
139. | 8.2 | The Sixth Sense (1999) | 202,892 |
140. | 8.2 | Into the Wild (2007) | 63,822 |
141. | 8.2 | Platoon (1986) | 89,848 |
142. | 8.2 | Ben-Hur (1959) | 48,175 |
143. | 8.2 | Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) | 8,393 |
144. | 8.2 | Million Dollar Baby (2004) | 111,000 |
145. | 8.1 | The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) | 75,569 |
146. | 8.1 | The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) | 113,298 |
147. | 8.1 | Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) | 10,922 |
148. | 8.1 | Diaboliques, Les (1955) | 10,961 |
149. | 8.1 | Life of Brian (1979) | 77,777 |
150. | 8.1 | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) | 47,557 |
151. | 8.1 | 8½ (1963) | 22,727 |
152. | 8.1 | The Big Lebowski (1998) | 142,957 |
153. | 8.1 | Ratatouille (2007) | 100,289 |
154. | 8.1 | The Grapes of Wrath (1940) | 18,861 |
155. | 8.1 | The Killing (1956) | 19,781 |
156. | 8.1 | Snatch. (2000) | 136,390 |
157. | 8.1 | The Graduate (1967) | 63,925 |
158. | 8.1 | Amores perros (2000) | 49,168 |
159. | 8.1 | Finding Nemo (2003) | 131,319 |
160. | 8.1 | The Night of the Hunter (1955) | 19,976 |
161. | 8.1 | Stand by Me (1986) | 73,841 |
162. | 8.1 | Dog Day Afternoon (1975) | 47,043 |
163. | 8.1 | The Gold Rush (1925) | 16,586 |
164. | 8.1 | Brief Encounter (1945) | 10,326 |
165. | 8.1 | Gandhi (1982) | 40,859 |
166. | 8.1 | Gone with the Wind (1939) | 64,093 |
167. | 8.1 | The Wild Bunch (1969) | 25,389 |
168. | 8.1 | Trainspotting (1996) | 123,838 |
169. | 8.1 | V for Vendetta (2005) | 176,312 |
170. | 8.1 | Scarface (1983) | 121,216 |
171. | 8.1 | The Lion King (1994) | 104,868 |
172. | 8.1 | The Thing (1982) | 60,579 |
173. | 8.1 | The Princess Bride (1987) | 107,698 |
174. | 8.1 | Groundhog Day (1993) | 109,250 |
175. | 8.1 | Harvey (1950) | 19,020 |
176. | 8.1 | Shadow of a Doubt (1943) | 16,759 |
177. | 8.1 | The Incredibles (2004) | 127,786 |
178. | 8.1 | Toy Story (1995) | 114,295 |
179. | 8.1 | Sleuth (1972) | 13,539 |
180. | 8.1 | Umberto D. (1952) | 6,625 |
181. | 8.1 | The Hustler (1961) | 20,793 |
182. | 8.1 | Battaglia di Algeri, La (1966) | 10,467 |
183. | 8.1 | The Terminator (1984) | 141,614 |
184. | 8.1 | Children of Men (2006) | 124,751 |
185. | 8.1 | Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) | 8,552 |
186. | 8.1 | Twelve Monkeys (1995) | 139,215 |
187. | 8.0 | The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) | 7,053 |
188. | 8.0 | Låt den rätte komma in (2008) | 17,391 |
189. | 8.0 | The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) | 14,231 |
190. | 8.0 | The Kid (1921) | 9,875 |
191. | 8.0 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) | 99,884 |
192. | 8.0 | The African Queen (1951) | 28,602 |
193. | 8.0 | Duck Soup (1933) | 21,949 |
194. | 8.0 | Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) | 42,465 |
195. | 8.0 | Stalag 17 (1953) | 17,070 |
196. | 8.0 | The Lady Vanishes (1938) | 14,177 |
197. | 8.0 | The Conversation (1974) | 26,141 |
198. | 8.0 | Hotaru no haka (1988) | 26,355 |
199. | 8.0 | Casino (1995) | 86,264 |
200. | 8.0 | The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) | 18,844 |
201. | 8.0 | In Bruges (2008) | 60,401 |
202. | 8.0 | Dial M for Murder (1954) | 23,027 |
203. | 8.0 | Watchmen (2009) | 45,155 |
204. | 8.0 | King Kong (1933) | 31,744 |
205. | 8.0 | Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) | 20,275 |
206. | 8.0 | Ed Wood (1994) | 60,267 |
207. | 8.0 | Anatomy of a Murder (1959) | 12,690 |
208. | 8.0 | All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) | 17,302 |
209. | 8.0 | Crash (2004/I) | 141,918 |
210. | 8.0 | The Exorcist (1973) | 83,978 |
211. | 8.0 | A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) | 26,905 |
212. | 8.0 | Rope (1948) | 24,343 |
213. | 8.0 | The Lost Weekend (1945) | 9,661 |
214. | 8.0 | Bonnie and Clyde (1967) | 32,968 |
215. | 8.0 | The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) | 27,879 |
216. | 8.0 | Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) | 147,227 |
217. | 8.0 | Strada, La (1954) | 13,850 |
218. | 8.0 | Rosemary's Baby (1968) | 39,398 |
219. | 8.0 | Patton (1970) | 32,792 |
220. | 8.0 | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) | 15,191 |
221. | 8.0 | His Girl Friday (1940) | 16,808 |
222. | 8.0 | Safety Last! (1923) | 3,953 |
223. | 8.0 | Frankenstein (1931) | 18,872 |
224. | 8.0 | Wo hu cang long (2000) | 94,399 |
225. | 8.0 | Sweet Smell of Success (1957) | 6,984 |
226. | 8.0 | Changeling (2008) | 28,955 |
227. | 8.0 | Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) | 23,662 |
228. | 8.0 | Glory (1989) | 47,750 |
229. | 8.0 | Network (1976) | 25,680 |
230. | 8.0 | Little Miss Sunshine (2006) | 119,575 |
231. | 8.0 | The Philadelphia Story (1940) | 23,169 |
232. | 8.0 | Magnolia (1999) | 103,475 |
233. | 8.0 | Manhattan (1979) | 31,144 |
234. | 8.0 | Big Fish (2003) | 110,511 |
235. | 8.0 | Roman Holiday (1953) | 24,993 |
236. | 8.0 | Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) | 24,770 |
237. | 8.0 | Mystic River (2003) | 93,525 |
238. | 8.0 | Spartacus (1960) | 41,375 |
239. | 8.0 | In the Heat of the Night (1967) | 18,621 |
240. | 8.0 | Laura (1944) | 11,365 |
241. | 8.0 | Dolce vita, La (1960) | 15,798 |
242. | 8.0 | Rocky (1976) | 73,267 |
243. | 8.0 | Great Expectations (1946) | 7,798 |
244. | 8.0 | Good Will Hunting (1997) | 120,139 |
245. | 8.0 | Barry Lyndon (1975) | 31,993 |
246. | 8.0 | The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) | 19,347 |
247. | 8.0 | Quatre cents coups, Les (1959) | 18,179 |
248. | 8.0 | Harold and Maude (1971) | 23,315 |
249. | 8.0 | Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004) | 33,767 |
250. | 8.0 | Mou gaan dou (2002) | 28,389 |