Monday, December 22, 2008
Whats Dave Doing?
Things have really settled into place here at tam and jenells. It looks like they are going to let me stay here for as long as it works for everyone. They arent even going to require me to give them rent. I do still want to give them money or food or something.
I got a job working as a secret shopper for a certain chain store, I cant say which or it would compromise my identity. The pay is good and I get to more or less decide when I work. Unfortunately due to the snow I havent been able to get out to any stores.
This winter is very different from previous ones. Im used to bad things happening during the holidays, parents having strokes or girlfriend breaking up with me, or relatives getting divorced. And in one sense it still happened with a friend of mine that I directly tried to talk to. She gave me the cold shoulder, and to think she was going to let me front the bill for mewcon without telling me everyone else had already jumped ship, bitch.. oh well. I guess the image I had of her is gone now and I see her as she really is.
But more importantly this winter has been a time of forgiveness and rebuilding broken bonds and bridges. Mark came back to our circle of friends after his crazy wife flipped out on him and took him for all he was worth. Poor guy was blinded by love. I guess its the natural way of things for nice guys like him to get hurt this way. We had a lan party for him. We all gave him a big welcome back hug. Its good to have him back.
I made note to myself a long time ago that I had turned over a new leaf and that it was time I let the rest of the world do the same. I had finally accepted I needed to forgive ricky. So I finally did. We are talking again as brothers. Im glad to have him back in my life too.
Ultimately Ive lost a very important friend to me, but I have gained a brother, a comrade, two new housemates that are really great people, a job, and life seems to be steadying itself. I know this wont last forever, but I am really enjoying things right now. Now Im just missing a girl, but that will find its own course.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Second chances again
I will learn from this so I dont have this problem when I am actually a parent.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Energy, Spirituality, Awareness
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
second chances
There has always been a redeeming thing about humans that I have found myself completely in love with but lately Ive felt an uneasy grip creep up my spine. That not all the people in the world give a damn. Ive been so lucky to know so many caring and loving people. I have very rarely found myself caring about people who dont give a damn. I think now that I have seen their true colors its time to let them destroy themselves from the inside out until they come to see themselves for who they have become.
I however will never stop caring for them. Sometimes it hurts more to hope, it hurts more to care, but you can never let yourself stop caring. I believe people can change their lives if they want to, I believe in second chances.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
O Rly?
I was listening to 105.1 the buzz today while going to pick up matt. You can all thank Daria for this one. According to a recent study, of all the europian peoples the french have the biggest penis' and the greeks have the smallest. On average the french man has a 6-6.5" penis. They didnt go into detail about the width. This frankly amazes me. Only one girl has ever seen mine and she said it was big but I just thought she was being nice. I remember back when I used to use condoms, they were always really fucking tight for me. I was curious so I went to wikipedia and looked up magnum condoms
I have never tried one on myself but if their measurements are right then I should be somewhere between the magnum and magnum xl.
Nothing like an ego boost to brighten your day.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
2 weeks
2 weeks until Im finished with this term.
2 weeks to get my student aid figured out.
2 weeks to see if living here works out.
2 weeks to write 4-6 pages of essays.
2 weeks to master my japanese.
2 weeks to get a job
2 weeks.... Its going to be a busy 2 weeks. No time to rest. Got to finish this race.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
S.A.D. .. here it comes again
Here to rear your ugly head again
Please go away, leave me be
I have no time to deal with me
15, 25, 45, 1 hour, 2
Where am I? How long have I been here?
The water has turned backwards from noon to nine.
But by now it feels like six.
The rain is cold and I am naked
But my pruned skin keeps me blanketed
Splish slash making ripples in the bath
Im playing in a stream, falling down the drain
I think its time to get out of this rain.
I opened the door
The cold wind greets me With a slap in the face
Just another day
Day by day I walk along
Waiting for the day Im not alone
Its the holidays be happy!
I am happy
If I say it enough maybe I will believe myself.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
This blog is over 500
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Time to give it the old one two
Saturday, November 22, 2008
keep moving
I feel like Im deaf dumb and blind. I dont know who to turn to or where to go.
I know things will get better, I just need to keep moving... things will get better.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Rest In Peace, Madison Peterson-Hill Part 3
From the car to the church were marines standing at attention holding American flags. It was difficult to maintain my composure. The funeral itself reminded me of a quaker style wedding, I can only guess their funerals would be in similar taste. They had large groups of people from various times and groups come forward to talk about the memories they shared and what a great person their friend was. How proud he had made them. I knew the stories from the people that knew him in elementary school were semi-embellished and so did they. But I think it was better this way.
The stories and memories of the more recent Madison clearly had no spin. I am glad to know that he was a much better person than I had known. I actually think that had I met him again later in his life we could have been better friends. I was truly amazed by how many peoples lives he had touched. There must have been 350 people there. All of whom had some kind of connection to Madison from some time in his life. I guess its not surprising to meet or know that many people in 22 years, rather what surprised me was that so many cared enough to come to his funeral.
The funeral was not what I had expected. I ended up sitting next to Alex Hernandez and
apparently two other people that knew me back when I was just a toddler. I guess they used to carpool with us. It was strange. I havent been back to that place since I left it behind me at the end of 8th grade. I no longer felt all the spite and malice towards its people. I guess that is a tribute to how far I have come since then.
As I left the funeral I stopped to think about my own life. The people I have known and who would actually come to my own funeral. I think mine would be pretty small in comparison. There would be my family of 10. Mithril would make a showing of at least 4, maybe a few more from the general community. My speaker sean, and the various friends Ive kept over the years would include jordan, brennan, kenny, sam, ben, both matts, john, kyle, linda, jerald, thomas, heather, brandon, josh... maybe some of my more recent friends in Patrick and Shoshana. Thats not too small a number I suppose. Its kind of sick but you can almost accurately measure your pace in life by how many people would come to your funeral. I will have to think about this more later...
Here is to you Madison. May your soul find rest until you are drawn back into life.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Rest In Peace, Madison Peterson-Hill Part 2
Turns out he was in Washington DC with his real father and girlfriend. He decided to go out for a jog. Some people in a car jumped him, beat him up, shot him, stole his wallet and threw him over a freeway over pass where he was hit by a SUV then another small car. They have already used his credit cards.
I will reflect on this later tonight after the funeral.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Gigati gigati goo he.. alright
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Rest In Peace, Madison Peterson-Hill
You werent the closest of friends with me. Actually more than anything you were a rival of mine. I hated you back then. Looking back on it, it wasnt you I hated but rather the world I was surrounded by. A world you crafted and permeated. You always were a leader of men. You were meant to be so much more than you realized. I didnt realize it myself back then in elementary school but I was always trying to beat your records, always striving to just once be faster, stronger or better than you in just one way. I dont even know why. You even joined the Marines when I myself considered it but walked away. I dont regret my decision... but it takes real balls to take that step. Its fucked up isnt it? You prepare yourself for your friends to die in combat but you never expect them to be killed while crossing the street.
Ive been thinking about the life you were given and the world you lived in. I wonder now... what life will you live the next trip around? Was your soul twisted and dark? Was it beautiful and strong? What will you experience the next time around?
I always expected to be the first of my friends to die. The headaches, the body pains, the danger I always seem to put myself in. Ive always had this kind of feeling for several years that I wouldnt make it past 25 years old. That might have just been me being pessimistic.
The man known as Madison Peterson-Hill is now dead, though his soul lives on. The journey of the soul is just beginning. Good luck and Gods speed. May you life a happier life the next time around.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Keeping my head forward towards tomorrow
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones
A time to gather stones together
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time of war, a time of peace
A time of love, a time of hate
A time you may embrace
A time to refrain from embracing
To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven
A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time of peace, I swear it's not too late!
Ive decided... fuck it. What will be will be. If things get patched up, great. I wont hold any more grudges. I turned over a new leaf many many years ago. I think its time I let everyone else do the same.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Damnit Michael Bolton
Heres the part that bothers me. I remember the faces of everyone I went to elementary school with. Hell Ive seen them some 10 years later and still recognized them, and Ive got a bad memory. Peoples faces dont change that much. Which leads me to believe either she was avoiding me or she honestly doesnt remember what my face looks like, which is kind of fucked up because Ive got one hell of a mug.
Its sad when I think about it. We used to be good friends, then one day she just decided she was going to write me off completely. Stopped talking to me. Then much later she came out of the blue and said she was ready to be friends again. I wasnt angry at her at all but I told her if she had beef with me she had better tell me or it wouldnt really resolve anything. We were cool again for a while then she stopped talking to me again. After this happened a second time I got a bit miffed and was distant the last time we hung out. Which I guess was reason enough for her to stop talking to me again. I dont understand her game.
Now I guess she doesnt recognize me anymore. I can rack my brain all night about this and ultimately I just have to say I dont know why. I dont know why she got mad at me the first time because she never told me. I dont know why or how many times she got mad at me again, because she never told me. And now I dont know why she is avoiding me or has actually forgotten my face.. because she doesnt ever tell me why she is upset. Actually now that I think about it.. even if she saw someone that looked like me then that means she does remember what I look like but wasnt interested in seeing if it was me. Which means she's avoiding me.
I guess it ultimately doesnt matter. Because the reality of the situation is that she doesnt tell me anything, wont tell me anything, is apparently avoiding me, which means she isnt interested in engaging me when the situation arises. Maybe she just needs some time away.
Wiki's definition of a friend is this:
Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:
- the tendency to desire what is best for the other,
- sympathy and empathy,
- honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
- mutual understanding.
I finally stopped putting any effort into the friendship and just as I foresaw, and I must admit, she offers none of the same. There is no friendship. But I guess I should have expected this from the beginning when I said absolute honesty is key for any relationship even friendships and she said she disagreed and that privacy was more important.
We go through life, learning the lessons. This is one I have learned before but unfortunately this time my dance partner didnt want to learn the steps. Its too bad, she was a great friend once upon a time in a galaxy far far away... maybe if Im lucky there will be a sequel or a prequel one day.
Damnit Michael Bolton... now you are all thats keeping me awake
Monday, November 3, 2008
Mohandas karamchand Gandhi
It wasnt until a very close and personal friend of mine many years ago told me that they trusted me even though they didnt know much about me at the time. This was something amazing to me as I didnt even much trust my own shadow. That one comment from a friend was the first thing to pierce my rotten twisted hardened heart. Since that day my life has had its ups and downs, but I have grown in a direction greater than I could ever have imagined. It has been years since I reformed and instead I see the good in everyone. I guess I see it as, "if I had good in me then everyone must". Truth be told this is a huge part of why I want to teach high school. I want to be the teacher that believes in his angsty students. I want to help them see the good in life before they enter the real world as lost children amongst hungry tigers. The world in general seems to swallow up good people, but I want to change that for the new generations. The catcher in the rye if you will.
I am reminded of one of the worlds greatest teachers... "You must be the change you wish to see in the world"- Mohandas Gandhi
Sunday, November 2, 2008
life finds ways to teach you things
In the last few weeks Ive met quite possibly the most abrasive person I have ever met. Ive never found myself to be trying to be rid of someone quite like this before. I mean really... asking me to call them when they get home and when I get out of class and texting me every day about what they are upset about now... honestly... I feel bad for how I must have seemed to priscilla. I rarely vented to her, actually it was usually me listening to all the drama in her life about her friends, school, her parents a lot, her brother and on occasion her blood thing... and giving her advice. And now that I think about it more, when I did want to talk to her about stuff she tried to distance herself and said I was being that was a really one sided friendship... I dont regret it, actually this whole thing has taught me a lot.
But now that Ive got someone who is being really clingy I feel kind of bad for how she must have felt. When I did want to talk to her about things I must have come on really strong. Next time she and I actually do get into contact I will have to remember to apologize. I guess you cant expect someone to be willing to just hold you up. Ive learned this:
You can not make your way into someones life once they decide they have no interest in sharing it with you.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I told myself not to do it
I did it anyway. Those eyes pierce through my heart even after so long.
I honest to god loved her. I find it funny sometimes how something can
seem so right and so beautiful so perfect, and then when you least expect it,
it all goes to hell.
Shes married and has a child now.
I miss having a female friend, I miss having an intelligent virtuous female friend.
I miss you Ally. Even if you did tear out my heart because your parents didnt like me.
You were one of the best things to ever happen to me.
Life goes on, and so must I. I can not focus on these things for too long. I am a different
person now.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another night, another dream and its always you
I was walking through a dorm, I saw Subin, he was making strange drinks with this orange stuff in it. I went to talk to him and saw he was chatting with priscilla and victoria. They walked off as soon as I showed up. I ended up catching up to priscilla and dragging her aside. In a raised voice I asked her why she was mad at me and why she kept throwing our friendship away. She looked away and started to walk off. At this I grabbed her arm and said dont be like that. Talk to me.
The drink Subin gave me made me need to go to the bathroom. While I went, she left.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
To You Sir Fratley
He said that he was looking through the company books.
In the last three quarters the company has pushed over a quarter
of a million dollars in gross revenue. And they are projecting more
for next year. I know my parents want
me to take over the company in ten years or so when they are
ready to retire. But I feel I am born to teach.
Sometimes I wonder if I could use the company to form a foundation.
Its always been a dream of mine to make a college. Id want my foundation
to build a college, help research fighting medical conditions and form a
martial arts studio.
This is all very much the far off dreams using something isnt yet mine
and may not be there in the future. But I want to use money to help people
Im just a good person like that. Its just my nature. Perhaps everything I wish for is just
in my dreams. But dreams can sometimes be realized.
"The road remains wide open while your dreams are alive. Only fear can block the way."
Friday, October 24, 2008
And turn the page
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The Traveler
Towards your destination of something that could have been.
With no one behind or ahead of you, you have nothing but yourself.
You tread on, with every meaningful step, but who is there to hear your triumphs?
You keep your head up, you lock the tears in a cellar, you coat your heart in a layer of light and beauty.
Yet you are invisible to everyone.
You have absolutely nothing in either hand, but you give everything you can.
But who will ever want something that comes from nothing?
Deep inside the black hole of your soul is the very thing everyone looks for, its so magnificent and bright yet incredible incomprehensible.
Travel on in hopes of finding someone or something to join you in your journey to find the truth of it all.
Perhaps then you will find out that I was there all along, believing and hoping and giving you everything."
~Spit. (I dont remember her real name but she goes by spit)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
If she ever reads this
What ever happens in life, whatever happens between you and whomever
I will always be here to give you good advice, no strings attached. I realize I made a huge mistake back at the sushi place. You were trying to be friendly again and I brushed you off. I was having a bad week and my pride got in the way. Maybe you wont talk to me again until con time. If that happens thats just what happens. But I want you to know, I miss being your friend. Maybe you will never let me be a friend again. Maybe you will forgive me and let the past be the past. Perhaps this is a cowardly way for me to say all this, but I dont want to ruin your birthday. Happy 19th. Enjoy it, be safe, make wise decisions and remember the words of your father... use protection ;)
Yeah... I like cher
If I could find a way I'd take back those words that hurt you and you'd stay
I don't know why I did the things I did I don't know why I said the things I said
Pride's like a knife it can cut deep inside
Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.
I didn't really mean to hurt you I didn't wanna see you go I know I made you cry, but baby
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
And you'd stay
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back time
My world was shattered I was torn apart
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart
You walked out that door I swore that I didn't care
But I lost everything darling then and there
Too strong to tell you I was sorry
Too proud to tell you I was wrong
I know that I was blind, and ooh...
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
ooh baby
I didn't really mean to hurt you
I didn't want to see you go
I know I made you cry
[Chorus #2]
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I'd take back those words that hurt you
If I could reach the stars
I'd give them all to you
Then you'd love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back time (turn back time)
If I could find a way (find a way)
Then baby, maybe, maybe
You'd stay
[to fade]
Reach the stars
If I could reach the stars
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Of memories and Gelato
As duc and I went on talking I started remembering the first time I met priscilla. I remember seeing her walk out the door, I thought to myself, wow, who is this energetic girl? I remember thinking to myself how small she was when she sat next to me in the car. I remember hearing drift away play in a near by car. I turned on the radio and sang along. The look on her face was so precious. She had the cutest smile I had ever seen. I knew right then that I was smitten. That I had found someone special. She was so shy back then.
I remember that day we spent downtown. We shared a delicious berry crepe. I held her hand for the first time then. It was cold out, she said her hands were cold so she let me feel how cold they were. The outside was cold, but I could feel a warmth running through them. We spent much of the day browsing saturday market before running into the anonymous protesters outside the church of Scientology. We got a lot of pictures taken. It was at this point I discovered her obsession with taking pictures of food. She took a picture of a protester in a Guy Fawkes mask making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She has always had an eye for the obscure. She liked to look behind signs and walls for stickers or graffiti. I think thats really cool. That she sees things other people would just pass by without so much as a second look. Not only does she see them, she takes pictures of them. I dont say this very much but that is really rad. There is some kind of passion for the slightly off kilter that drives her. I can really appreciate that. Ive been inspired by her and started taking pictures of food and obscure things, if for no other reason than to try to open my eyes to the levels of reality around myself that I would otherwise miss.
We spent a little time at the anti-war rally, took pictures of a guy in a giant suit that resembled the faceless things in spirited away. I remember going to 23rd thinking that she would like some of the strange things they have in the small shops. To my surprise she was more interested in the signs outside than the stuff inside the shops. Unless of course it involved food. haha, Ive always known girls to love food, but never like this. We went to a japenese restaurant and had this chicken curry. I was a bit surprised at first. I wanted to offer to share but I didnt think she would be up for that, we hadnt known each other for that long after all. She however it turned out wanted to share to so we split the bowl. Perhaps I looked too far into it, but we both liked the same dish and both ate just enough to fill ourselves and had some left over. That showed me she had self control. She didnt gorge herself on unnecessary food.
It was getting late in the evening and I knew she liked sweets so we went to get gelato. I dont remember what kind we got, I was too busy being in shock. Here I was sitting at a chic cafe sharing a gelato with this girl I was falling for more and more every time she stopped to take a picture. I recall taking a picture with her up near this piece of art made of recycled metals. I dont have the photos myself but I remember seeing them. She kind of leaned into me when we took the picture, just a little bit. I didnt want to seem creepy so I kept myself composed. On the inside I was smiling so much. I felt like I had found someone I had connected with so strongly purely by chance.
It all seems like so long ago. Back when we shared music, back when we stayed up and watched star wars on spike tv. Back when she showed me threadless and I started buy T-shirts online. It all seems like so long ago. I know that the world never stops turning, but at least for a short while it slowed down...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
He talked about how a short while ago he got back in contact with a bunch of friends of his from highschool and that they were all very much the same people they were in highschool. Something I can definitely understand, many of my friends are the same way. He saw that even 20 years later there was no person growth between them. They still were just a bunch of fucks that didnt really get what life was about yet. He couldnt stay close friends with them because he was putting so much into being their friend but they never responded with any of their own.
Now I am torn. An old friend of mine once said that she is very different from the girl I knew in highschool, she didnt fight for things back then like she does now. which to me would mean to fight for my friendships and not to just let them go. Specially the really important ones. But at the same time I feel drained. I cant keep putting all this energy into being friends with these people when they just treat me like shit. And the sad thing is I know it is on purpose. It takes effort to be rude to people, it takes effort to ignore people. With friends like them who needs enemies? Im not going to let them treat me this way anymore. Fuck them. Im learning to be young again and I know I am going to meet tons of people out there. My life is finally starting to take the shape of my destiny.
The first night jordan and I left for Joanna's house. On the way there I realized I left my sleeping bag at home so I stopped by a fred meyer and bought a new one. Its this really sweet green color with a black V on it. It really was a good buy, its far warmer than my old sleeping bag. I did however forget my pillow so I had to do without.
Once Mike showed up at Jo's we packed everyone into her jetta and got on the road. The car was absolutely packed. Jordan and I were in back with all the gear that wouldnt fit in the trunk. We were sitting on three sleeping bags and had our backpacks in our laps. There was barely room to breath back there. I tried to listen to my iPod so I didnt have to listen to their music but my iPod had broken :( Joanna's driving scared me from the start but I had no idea what I was about to get into. Shes a totally crazy driver. At one point she was taking the offramp off I-84 at 70 mph with a full car plus several hundred lbs of gear. It was the first rain in a while so the road was slippery too. We started out taking that offramp halfway on the inside shoulder and by the time the road went straight again we were half way onto the outside shoulder with the tires screeching. An accident didnt really scare me so much, it was the impending doom that was the 5 gallon propane tank in the trunk that would blow us all to hell if she flipped the car. She would take many other turns like that on the way. I never want to drive with her again.
I decided to quickly send a text out to all my friends that I was probably not going to make it to tomorrow. Most of them responded with concern. I was actually really disappointed in priscilla, later she told me that she thought I was just saying crazy shit was going down, but even if thats all it is, its still crazy shit, a friend would be concerned if crazy shit was going down. But I guess I have come to expect that from her. To some extent shes a cool friend, but other times it seems like she goes out of her way to ignore me, which really just pisses me off.
Once we finally got there I got to meet the whole group. It was pretty much 4 girls and their respective boyfriends. The 4 girls have been a circle of friends since way back when, kind of like the sisterhood of traveling pants.
Linda-The only of the group I knew before hand. Shes pretty cool, very intelligent but still fun.
(Jordan)- My friend since third grade and boyfriend to Linda. I think the two of them are probably the best couple of everyone.
Joanna-The "Mom" of the group, she sets all the plans in motion and makes things happen. Shes also only 21, owns 2 houses, a few cars, and works for a bank. Everything about her screams motherly, her voice, attitude, laugh, everything.
(Mike)-Hes only been dating Joanna for a few months but he seems pretty stable. Hes mostly softspoken but he isnt shy either. His character is kind of an anomaly. I dont know how the two of them got together, he doesnt seem very much like a fatherly figure but they seem like they have been together forever, I was surprised to find out they had only been together a few months.
Erika-Im not really sure what to make of her. She makes a lot of stupid decisions, has a ton of facial peircings, she looks like the wife of the guy that sells blow to travoltas character in pulp fiction. She has a bit of a short temper and is easily offended. I kind of feel like I have to walk on pins and needles around her.
(Jeff)- Erika's boyfriend of one month. Jeff is the picture of a hippy in the 60s. Hes done every drug there is and likes to drink, this however doesnt make him unintelligent. He is a very smart guy if for no other reason than his life experiences. I actually liked hanging out with and chatting with jeff the most, until he tried to keep everyone awake all night on the second night. Not fun to have someone outside your tent talking to you when you are trying to sleep.
Mai-Lin- Nerdiest of the group. She likes anime, WoW, cats, nightmare before christmas. Currently single, at least for all intensive purposes. She has an "online" boyfriend that lives in georgia that she has never met irl. It was weird talking to her, she has all the same sort of outlooks on things and general thoughts as I do. It felt like I was talking to myself from one year ago. She is 21 but still very much seems like an 18 year old.
The group was a ton of fun. The second night mai-lin let me borrow her pillow since she had an air-matress. Thank god, the ground was killing me, Im still sore. A side note: Her pillow smelled like shampoo and noodles. A plesent aroma to fall asleep to if ever there was one. That night I had at least 5 different dreams, I couldnt really remember any of them but one. I was sleeping in my dream and I woke up to find two people I dont know watching me sleeping in a room that was very metallic. I dont know who they are, but if my other dreams have anything say in it then Id add that I will probably meet them in 2-4 years.
The second day we were there jordan, linda and I went on a hike around beautiful timothy lake. We found a tree with testicles. We chatted about a bunch of different things, I cant really recall them all now but it was the most I have ever spoken with linda before. When we got back I wrote some things down in a notebook I had brought so that I would remember to think about them later. They were:
What is it about a campfire that people can just stare at it for hours without saying a word? It just draws you into it somehow.
Consider exploring intent and projecting it in different ways
And then the dream thing.
After we had returned home jordan and I were talking about the whole event and how we both really needed it to get away from the house. Somehow we got on the topic of lindas friends. I had met the best of them, she has lots of other friends, but none of the others are really all that close, and they are all pretty crazy and bad friends in one way or the other. Thats the thing he said. "she has 3 or 4 friends that actually genuinly care about her". That got me thinking. Do I have any friends like that? Yeah I do.
I have plenty of other "friends" but none of the others genuinely care about me. Which got me to thinking, I realized that I am the kind of person who genuinely cares about all of my friends, thats just who I am, the caregiver. But Ive been feeling lately like people are just returning my friendship with negativity and generally just ignoring me. I came to an impass. I dont want to have these negative friendships, but I really want to stay close to these people. I wasnt really sure what to do.
The night ended with those thoughts on my mind.
Before Camping
I decided that I needed to stop and relax so I picked up Final Fantasy IX again.
It was good to get back into a game that was just a game. Something with a beginning and an end. I know I am going to be having less time than ever to enjoy those games.
I was feeling really tired of dealing with my friends. Sean and Brennan have both been very negative to me lately and priscilla has constantly been brushing me off. I want to stay their friends but I am getting tired of putting so much energy into the friendships and getting nothing in return.
I had lunch with my family that night as it was my fathers birthday. For the most part the evening was full of my mother and sister bickering back and fourth like children, with me and my dad popping in every now and again with comedic remarks. I told my parents about my dreams having people in them I didnt know yet but have met. My mom said she isnt surprised, apparently my grandmother had a strong spychic sense about her. I didnt really get to ask for more detail because I noticed my dad looking rather lost and surprised. Hes a hard core christian, I didnt want to bring up such mystic ideas on his birthday. Ill have to ask more about my grandmother later.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sorrow - How do you prove that you exist...? maybe we dont exist..
Dilemma - Having sworn fealty must I spend my life in servitude?
Indulgence - I do what I want! You have problem!?
Devotion - Someday I will be queen, but I will always be myself.
Despair - To be forgotten is worse than death.
Arrogance - The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty.
Solitude - I don't wanna be alone anymore...
These were the first philosophical ideals introduced to me when I was in eighth grade and started playing through FF9. It was when I started pondering existance, servitude, the future and various other concepts, it gave me something to think about when I used to sit in my tree during recess. Its ironic that the game brings back such fond memories of my childhood even though it was not a very fond time for me. I'm going to play through it again, I think I need to reconsider the basics of these concepts. Its only natural for people to reinvent themselves every now and again, for me I feel that to keep growing as a person I need to better grasp these.
fuck life the universe and everything
Sean and brennan have totally checked out. They know they are leaving in a month and have completely stopped cleaning up after themselves, on top of that they just bought a half ounce and are going to be fucked up for the next four days straight.
Kenny told me he is looking to leave the same time as them instead of later. Which means in a month and a half me and jordan need to find 2 or 3 room mates just to keep this house otherwise we have to move out. Of our main prospects duc has decided he isnt interested in the least and abe doesnt look like hes going to be ready to move out that quickly. Sam still needs to get himself a steady enough job to be able to afford moving out.
If all that werent enough, I got laid off. After of course I have already set my college schedule and a work schedule to allow for me to still do both. So now Ive got to rethink my entire college schedule, find a job that will only work me MWF or get new classes, find 3 room mates or move out and find a new place. All in a months time. And if all that werent enough I dont think I can repair my friendship with priscilla, she seems pretty pissed at me for some reason. Ive got a bunch of random shit going on during new student week, and Ive got to get my shit together for a camping trip this weekend. All in all I just got hit with a ton of bricks today. The tea isnt helping this time and I cant quiet my mind during meditation. I just want to check out and relax but I keep getting panic attacks and migraines.
Fuck me
Fuck me in the ass
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Theres a storm brewing
Thursday, September 11, 2008
le sigh
What this is about is that I finished watching Amelie tonight. Having now seen the whole thing I realized what a beautiful piece it is. And actually it showed me exactly what my type is. I thought back to all the girls I have ever found myself interested in. They have always been very artistic. That is important to me. I like girls with artistic expression. I like girls with hobbies that I can get into like photos and drawing. I like girls that think differently, the kind that see things others wouldnt recognize. The type whos minds seem to operate just a little differently than your typical girl. I like the cute girls, not the voluptuous amazonian goddesses that we create and call beautiful. But most importantly I like girls who have beautiful hearts. Girls that enjoy reaching out and helping people. Those are my type. Girls like Allison, Crystal, Priscilla, Heather and Natasha. These are the types I am so inspired by and these are the types I want to get to know more. I'm actually really happy I am going to PSU. It is sort of a focal point for the kind of thought I so enjoy. One day I will find an Amelie to share life with... one day.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
60 going on 16
At the end he said to me, "Dave you are a really great listener and I appreciate your advice. I dont know what it is... I feel like Im looking at a 16 year old. But also like Im talking to a 60 year old that has seen as much as me. You are one of the wisest people I have ever met, but you are so young. Its like you died and came back, but retained all that wisdom." He added "Ive never seen you get upset, you are so easy going and you always do a good job. I like that about you. In fact in all the years we have worked together the only time I ever saw you get upset was when your girlfriend left you. I've been married three times and I wanted more than anything else to give you some advice to tell you that it was going to be ok and that you would make it through it, but I couldnt find the words. But.. Im proud of you."
The best part is that he is a christian, who just suggested reincarnation. Now I believe in reincarnation anyway. I didnt want to tell him that in my meditation I have seen things from before my time. Possibly from my past lives. I really dont get much love in the way of compliments, I dont really know how to take them, compliments make me blush, but I love getting them more than anything else. My boss is always ready to tell me how well I am doing. It almost makes me sad to know that I will be leaving there one day to eventually become a teacher, but being a teacher is who I am inside and if I dont become what I am then I could never live with myself.
What happens next?
Most people will operate out of this level of consciousness for the rest of their lives. Its the sort of "grown-up" part. I had heard about operating on a higher level of consciousness. One where you exist on a super planar field and your body merely becomes a tool. Similar to the experience of opening up the seventh chakra. For a friend of mine to experience this he needed to take some special drugs. I however have experienced similar things without any.
Today I experienced somewhere between where he went on his trip and where I normally operate out of. Note: without the use of any "enhancing" drugs. I was at Winco, and I just started watching the looks on every bodies faces. There was not a single happy soul in the building. Everyone had a long face, they looked defeated, downtrodden and utterly destroyed inside. There was a constant dull roar of babies crying echoing off in the distance. I overheard someone say "Put that back, we cant afford that much food". The negative energy was so great and so strong that the moment I took it all in and realized just how unhappy so much of the world was I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to puke. In that moment I became aware of the not just the feelings of everyone in a giant warehouse, but also the existance of so many people.
Normally people sort of live their lives experiencing only what directly effects them. Their jobs, their immediate friends, their family. In that moment I experienced and acknowledged the existence, feelings, and energy of enough souls to fill that winco warehouse. I was overcome with grief. I started questioning myself. Why are these people so sad? where did their lives go wrong to put them in this place? What are their life stories. In that moment I wanted to reach out to each and every person there. I wanted to ask them what happened? I wanted to know if there was anything I could do. How could I help them? What would make these people smile and dispel the negative energy in their lives? I wanted to help them. I wanted to help all of them. But there were too many. I felt completely overloaded. I wanted to save them, all of them.
If life is but a dream
It is his belief that what he and I experience in our dreams are a sort of checkpoint. Like the universes way of telling us we are on the right track to whatever our destinies may hold. I actually have to say that this makes a ton of sense. First I met zaamen, then priscilla and now tam. I actually am really looking forward to the next checkpoint. This however doesnt give much answer to the dreams that appear to have nothing realistic to them. Nightmares and the like.
This bit I came to of my own accord. I believe that there is a message in our dreams, that our dreams are like signs trying to send us towards the checkpoints and letting us know just what we must do within ourselves. Telling us we need to explore what is shown to us. In my case I have been plagued by nightmares of a shadowy figure abducting all of my closest friends and then assaulting me. Ive woken up physically shaking from this nightmare. But I believe it is telling me that I must deal with my fear before I am to see the next checkpoint. I suppose only time will tell. But for now that is my answer to the significance of dreams within the greater dream that is life. They are arrows pointing us in the direction of whatever is coming next, they tell us when we are on the right path. How does our path affect our life or greater dream the next time we are reincarnated? I havent figured that one out yet.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Star Crossed Man
As I watched the sky I thought to myself. I would give it all up. My foresight, my wisdom, my knowledge, my revelations, my epiphanies, my ability, my strength, my everything. I would give all I am for love. Someone says why would you give up who you are for some woman? I say, "She's not just some woman.". I have known love, but I have always had to fight for it. I have always had to make it happen. Love never comes naturally to me. Yet it is the one thing I need most from this world. I once had a dream, in the dream a boy drew a knife on me and said "I would kill for her love", I looked him in the eyes and said "I would die for her love". She haunts my dreams, yet it seems so too is her love limited to that realm.
I feel that fate has conspired against me. I am a wanderer. I am alone. Growing up in a small private school I was left alone because my family had no money. At home I was alone. My parents emotionless and loveless beings. They showed their love by feeding me and keeping a roof over my head. That alone was their only way of showing love, and reason enough for them to require me to respect them. Growing up I had few or no friends. No love for or from others. But no man is an island. I can not always be a lonely wanderer. I have created friendships on the path I have cut for myself. Friendships I hold most precious. I have experienced true absolute bliss in the loving embrace of another. But that could not last. Fate it seems wanted to take her from me. Again I was alone. I keep fighting on. I called on my friendships for comradery, for companionship on the path we all shared. I had amassed a close circle of adventurers who were cutting their own paths and discovering for themselves where now to go. And just as fate would have it, they are all soon to be leaving. I find myself watching as fun filled faces disappear from around my campfire. Now there is only a few, and I ask myself... "how much longer till they leave? How much longer till I can no longer hear them saying goodbye?"
"How long will I wander before meeting new souls with which to share the experience and path of life?"
How long must I fight fates hand before I can share in loves embrace again? Life made me a lover and a caretaker, but fate has made me a wanderer. All my lives I have been a wanderer. Yet I want nothing more than to stop walking and rest for a while. Ive grown so weary of this fight, of this game. I dont want to travel lonely plains anymore. All I want is to rest and live forever in my dreams where her loves embrace finds open arms and a loving soul. Please... let me sleep and dont wake me up.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I miss them
I think I can
Monday, September 1, 2008
What would you do if I sang out of tune?
This weekend was great. I loved every bit of it. From hanging out with Tam and Duc, to Priscilla and Victoria. It really was great to see Priscilla again. I cant remember when the last time was that I actually saw her. Money is going to be really really tight. Kenny is thinking about leaving too. My headaches are coming back, the rest of my body feels like it is falling apart. I really want to see a doctor. And to top it off my parents dog disappeared. Not sure if he got out of the house or crawled into a corner and died. He is really old. My mom is upset at me for it. My thoughts are all jumbled up right now. I need to sort them. I need to discover the lesson life is trying to teach me. But most importantly I need to figure out what to do about myself.
I feel like Im looking at a mixed up jigsaw puzzle. But its one of those ones you have to cross your eyes to see the picture correctly.
What would you think if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me ?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
What do I do when my love is away
(Does it worry you to be alone ?)
How do I feel by the end of the day,
(Are you sad because you're on your own ?)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I need somebody to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Would you believe in a love at first sight
Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time
What do you see when you turn out the light
I can't tell you but I know it's mine,
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends
Do you need anybody
I just need someone to love
Could it be anybody
I want somebody to love.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
with a little help from my friends.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Tom Stoppard said it best
"We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered."
The sad thing is this isnt wisdom but rather an astute observation of the foolishness of human beings. I wish he had added a bit of wisdom to the message, something along the lines of reminding the world that we carry our burned bridges and that one must eventually come to terms with the baggage. I think I am beginning to see the disgusting side of nature that always seems to bother sean.
Oh well, this is no time to stay up late. School startup is always so chaotic, but this time my car broke down :(
Stupid cooling fan.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I hate these nights
I need to get out more
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Every Little Things Ganna Be Alright
I need to find a way to separate the friendship feelings and the romantic feelings. I dont think I can stop loving her. But it wouldnt be fair to her to hold onto feelings she doesnt reciprocate. I still very much want to be her friend. And I want to see her happy, more than anything else in the world. I feel like my heart is screaming at me because I love her and am willing to let her be happy with someone else. I feel like my mind is screaming at me to hold onto the romantic feelings because its so improbable that a relationship between them could last at all. Logically it says, he is young and foolish, he is still in highschool, she is going to be in college and getting a job, they will never see each other, he is christian she is buddhist his faith wont allow for such a thing. Doubt doubt doubt. I spent about an hour and a half walking and talking with sean tonight. I feel very much relieved of the pain and doubt. I know that I need to make peace within myself, within my heart and my mind, and my soul. This is something I can do. This is something I will do. I will do it for my own sanctity of mind. I will do it for my future friendship with her. I will do it because I want her to be happy. But also because I want to be able to feel happy for her.
Sean and I still have some things we need to discuss. I will talk with him tomorrow about them. As a side note I have decided I want to start going to the buddhist temple nearby for my meditations. And I want to speak with a mystic, at least to hear what he has to say. Tonight has been a very interesting night. I will find sleep easier this time. Though I hope to see more moonlight soon.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
This afternoon she actually made contact with me. What a joke. I feel like if I ask what she is feeling like, or what she is thinking or even how her day is that she will think I am being clingy. I honestly dont feel like I can talk to her anymore without her lying to me anyway. I hate to say it. But I cant trust her anymore. Oh well, these things happen.
On the plus side of things, I do feel like I am getting to be better friends with Duc. I wonder if he will teach me his l33t sewing skills.
Sigh, I am reminded of dj bobos the games people play:
Vers 1:
Oh the games people play now - Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now - Never saying what they mean yeah
And they wile away the hours - In their ivory towers
Till they covered up with flowers - In the back of a black limousine
Na na na na na na na na - Na na na na na na na na
Talking ?bout you and me - And the games people play
Vers 2:
Oh we make one another cry - Break a heart and we say goobye
Cross our hearts and we hope to die - That the other was to blame
Neither one will give in - So we gaze at our eight by ten
Thinking ?bout the things that might have been - It's a dirty rotten shame
Chorus: 2x
Na na na na na na na na - Na na na na na na na na
Talking ?bout you and me - And the games people play
The games people play - The games people play
The games people play - The games people play
Vers 3:
Look around tell me what you see - What's happening to you and me
God bring me the serenity - To remember who I am
?Cause you've given up your sanity - For your pride and your vanity
Turns you sad on humanity - And you don't give a na na na na na na
Oh well. Things get better.
...I wonder when the moon will come out again.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A small piece of the last week
I had a conversation with zaamen today. I never knew he operated on the social levels of me and sean. We had a deep heart to heart. A real bonding experience. I never gave him enough credit. He has become very similar to me. He knows who he is. He is the guy that makes life better for those around him, he likes to make people feel good. I like to be mr reliable. I am the guy that you can rely on. Like me, he has discovered that he doesnt want many relationships, he just wants to be with one person. He is having a bit of a tiff with his girlfriend right now. She is asking for space. But he loves her and will give it to her if she wants. But all he cares about right now is her. I feel I am in the same boat. There is a girl I love, but all she wants is space from me. We havent spoken in days. I love her, but she needs time to discover somethings about herself. And even when she does. She wouldnt come back to me. Ive gone over it again and again in my head. She told me she sees no future with us. I tell myself there is no future with us. But somehow, I just cannot simply accept that someone I met in a dream, someone I have these feelings for, someone who so greatly inspires me, could have no place in the future with me. The thoughts of her have even invaded my open mind meditation. I've spent 4 years doing open mind meditation in a tree, yet I can not silence the voice in my heart. My heart is speaking so loudly that it is even getting through my meditation silence. This is going to take some time. No doubt she isnt going to contact me again until kcon, but somehow Im not expecting to see much of her then either.
Normally something like this would just crush me. However I've learned that you can not treat every thing as a life or death matter, because you will die many times. Instead I spend time with my friends. Somehow if I keep my mind occupied I can shut out the voice in my heart. This however is emotionally destructive and I know I need to find a healthier way to deal with my emotional frustrations. Why cant I fall for a girl who is a complete person? Why do I always fall in love with the girls that treat me bad? One day. One day I will find someone who actually cares and isnt afraid of their own shadow.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
The distance
Engines pumping and thumping in time
The green light flashes, the flags go up
Churning and burning they yearn for the cup
They deftly manuver and muscle for rank
Fuels burning fast on an empty tank
Reckless and wild, they pour through the turns
Their prowess is potent and secretly stern
As they speed through the finish, the flags go down
The fans get up and they get out of town
The arena is empty except for one man
Still driving and striving as fast as he can
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
Not long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's driving and striving an hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for who he still burns
He's going the distance
He's going for speed
She's all alone, all alone, all alone in a time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's going the distance
No trophies, no flowers, no flashbulbs, no lime
He's haunted by something he cannot define
Bowel shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse
Assail him and bail him with monster truck force
In his mind he's still driving, still making the grade
She's hoping in time that her memories will fade
'Cause he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
The sun has gone down and the moon has come up
Not long ago somebody left with the cup
But he's striving and driving and hugging the turns
And thinking of someone for who he still burns
'Cause he's going the distance,
He's going for speed
She's all alone
All alone
All alone
In a time of need
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse
He's racing and pacing and plotting the course
He's fighting and biting and ridding on his horse
He's going the distance
He's going for speed
He's going the distance
I never realized what this song was about until recently.
On an unrelated note, I have found myself a little disappointed.
I wanted to repair our relationship and be close like we were before.
But she wanted to make distance, instead she would rather I
became like one of her classmates from highschool, someone
she doesnt really see. Someone she chats with on occasion but
doesnt really have any insight. I can see it in her responses.
Which I can deal with. Having worked in a professional field for so many
years you meet all kinds of great people. They leave eventually and
say, "lets not lose contact". But you always do. This reminds me of
one of those times. We will eventually lose contact. Oh well.
These are the lessons I must learn from life.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Inspiration from an amazing friend
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Im calling it right here, right now.
However on her trip to japan she was forced to be in close regular contact with others for 3 weeks. She mistakes those close three weeks as something special because she has never been in such a situation, she found she liked it, but if they had taken out the being in japan aspect then she wouldnt be anywhere near where she is now. If I had just not said anything and she and I had hung out for such a long amount of time this wouldnt be happening. Unfortunately I didnt realize that she would react the way she did. And I didnt realize the way she reacted until it was too late. Now she will forever have a predisposition towards any possible future relationship. Even if I hang on as a friend I dont think she will ever get over that she pushed me out of her heart and be able to see beyond into what could be. There years can only tell for certain. But I hope one day she will be able to see beyond all this. Hell bishops wife wouldnt date him for 6 years before finally giving it a shot, now she is happily married with a bright future.
I dont know anymore... should I try to stick it out and see if she and I can patch things up later, or is it worth all the pain and mental anguish? Thats a simple answer... she is worth it. Every last bit of it. And I would go through this all over again if I had a shot to make her happy. Alright... Ill stick this one out. Time to dry my eyes and let the world start spinning again.
moonless nights
I dont think she is talking to me anymore. Its 1 am and nothing from her, I think shes doesnt care anymore about the little things, I think she doesnt want to tell me what shes been up to or thinking about, or plans for the next day. Perhaps she thinks that not telling me anything will save me some pain, but the truth is her silence hurts just as much as her lies. I can tell when she is hiding things from me, I can see right through her.
Im getting tired of all this. I wonder sometimes how I know and work with so many single people in their 30s and I realize that its because the world is full of stupid people who dont know themselves, full of people who are too weak to allow themselves to recognize love when it comes. I tell myself this is all for the better, that this way I wont be the one in the relationship that ultimately fails. She once said she wasnt going after anyone she didnt feel she was in love with, and now she goes after two guys she has crushes on. What bad luck was it that I met her when she listened to fear. I am getting tired of all this. I need to get over her. She hurt me, and I still love her, but I need to see beyond that. I however think that no matter what she will never see me as a friend again. Instead as an acquaintance that she deals with sometimes. When will I fall for a girl with her heart in the right place?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Lets make a deal
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dealing with it
She was everything
I wanted
I needed
But someone had gotten to her first
Before I met her
Someone managed to hurt her
I can freely admit that I love her
Just the way she is
But she will not let me mend her broken heart
Perhaps I am a fool for what I said today
But I can not force her to heal what
She wants to hide
I regret nothing
As I lay in bed I try to push her out of my thoughts. I tell myself she isnt interested in hanging out or sharing classes anymore. I tell myself that I need to get over her. And its true, I do need to get over her. But its not something I can do in one sitting. I cant just remove the feelings I have for her. Its not as easy as a pressing the delete button. I cant just cold turkey. I need to accept that she sees nothing in me and that she will find someone else.
Love is such a cruel mistress. I regret nothing.